
Every job matters - Jubilee South special meeting


Jubilee South branch special EJM meeting

The Jubilee South branch is holding a special meeting on Thursday 5th December at 1600 in the Blue Eyed Maid. This meeting is specifically to discuss the devastating cuts planned by our bosses. Come along and have your say. This is your opportunity to find out the facts and discuss tactics on how to fight back.
• Special branch meeting
• Thursday 5th December – 1600
• The Blue Eyed Maid, Borough High Street
• Nearest Tube London Bridge
• Your chance to have your say

(Still) The enemy within

In 1984, Margaret Thatcher labelled 160,000 striking miners, their families and supporters, ‘The Enemy Within’. It was to be the longest industrial dispute in British history.

As the strike began, a group of miners emerged that were prepared to fight on the front line of every major battle. They were demonised by the media and despised by the government.

Dubbed ‘Arthur’s Army’, they were to lead a fightback that would not just rock the government but would change British society forever.

Jubilee South Branch Meeting 30/10/2013


The branch meeting on 30th October will be held in a new location as unfortunately our usual venue has become temporarily unavailable.
The meeting will take place as normal on payday starting 16.00hrs until 18.00hrs at The Old Kings Head, King's Head Yard, 45-49 Borough High Street, London SE1 1NA. This is just a few doors up from the Borough high street exit of London bridge station.

'Hundreds of Tube ticket offices to shut' as machines replace staff

This explains why LUL have been so reluctant to answer the questions your elected reps have been asking!

Hundreds of Tube ticket offices will be scrapped next year as Mayor Boris Johnson seeks to cut thousands of London Underground jobs, it was claimed today.

Mobile units of supervisors will replace staff at stations outside zone one in an attempt to move to full automation of ticket sales to cut costs.

Rail unions revealed the proposals as they published a poll showing overwhelming opposition to ticket office closures, with 71 per cent of travellers against full automation.

JLE PED isolation - if it aint broke dont fix it

Why replace a safe system with a high risk dangerous one? The RMT is very concerned by the dangerous plans by management on the Jubilee Line to alter our procedure for isolating a defective Platform Edge Door. We believe a member of staff must be positioned by an isolated platform edge door is essential to maintaining a safe operation.
Station staff are the eyes and ears for drivers in these situations, and their absence can lead to dangerous situations and possible injuries - most notably to children, visually impaired people and mobility impaired people.

Women (and men) workers in Finland's transport industry

On the first day of the ETF Women's Committee meeting, several Finnish transport trade unionists attended as guests, including women from the logistics, shipping, rail and salaried sectors. We also had a presentation from Tapio Bergholm, who has written a history of Finnish transport workers. The Finnish member of the ETF Women's Committee is Satu, from the Finnish Seamen's Union, who was elected one of the two Vice-Chairs of the Committee.

Driverless trains: a warning from Helsinki

The underground railway (Metro) in Finland's capital city Helsinki is due to go 'driverless' in 2016. I discussed this with Finnish trade unionists Jussi and Satu, and heard a story that has important lessons for London Underground workers and passengers trying to prevent the same calamity happening in London.

The proposal to introduce driverless operation on the Helsinki Metro was first raised in 2007. The trade unions opposed it (note that as city council employees, the Metro workers are members of the public sector trade union rather than a transport union).

Why cant LUL open ticket offices as advertised?

London Underground continually fails to open ticket offices because of staff shortages, as the board in the picture testifies.
How can it be thus, there were 33 agency workers sacked by LUL earlier this year? These workers were ticket office clerks, staff who would have been able to open ticket offices that LUL claim they have not enough staff for.

Say no to ticket office closures

Say no to ticket office closures and fare rises.

Sign the petition to say no to yet another inflation-busting fares hike and staff cuts & ticket office closures at Balham, Tooting Bec and Tooting Broadway
Under Mayor Boris Johnson tube and bus fares in London have become the most expensive anywhere in the world. Not only are you paying more, you are getting worse value for your money. The Mayor has plans to cut staff and close Balham, Tooting Bec and Tooting Broadway ticket offices – making commuting more difficult and less safe.

Defend our rep

East Ham Branch meeting to defend victimised rep Gary Woolf
Thursday September 6 at 1700
Spotted Dog PH, Barking

Gary completed the first part of the Drugs and alcohol random test (breathalyser) but could not provide a specimen of urine within the time allocated.