
latest edition of rmtlondoncalling

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“Tube worker Karen Guyott 'sacked for having epilepsy', say MPs”

Karen has worked for LUL for 8 years as a CSA. She has a condition that requires reasonable adjustments. LUL have used the FFFS medical questionnaire to ruthlessly sack Karen because of her epilepsy.
Karen was dismissed on Tuesday Feb 24 and her case was raised in a debate on epilepsy in the Houses of Parliament on Thursday 26 Feb by Kate Hoey MP

Pay talks - update

Today myself and senior RMT ( functional council) reps attended and represented the union at what was the third meeting we've had now since we submitted our claim for a substantial pay rise and improved terms and conditions for all of our members across all areas of employment in London Underground Ltd 2015

The management presented to the meeting a working document. Also they stated that it was their view that Night tube would feature in their thinking around this pay negotiation .However ....despite myself pressing them to ...LUL made no offer .

London Underground's disability poem. Monday's disabled child is fair of face and gets a job. Tuesday's disabled child is sacked

London Underground are the stellar employer of London. They set the moral and ethical tone for all the others to follow.

On Monday February 23 LUL were in the media, on TV, on the Radio highlighting the virtues of making the stigma of workers with disabilities a thing of the past.
A good thing you must agree.

On Tuesday February 24 LUL dismissed a young girl because she had a disability.
An absolute disgrace.
After 5 years of reasonable adjustments in place to allow her to continue in her role, they decide it is no longer "sustainable"

Blog: RMT branches exposes frackers' abuses of workers' rights

By Daniel Randall, LTRC Green Officer

RMT branches across the country are already discussing, and passing, policy on environmental issues. Some months ago, Brighton and Hove City RMT submitted a motion to their local Trades Council about "fracking" (hydraulic fracturing, a means of extracting gas by drilling into the earth) taking place in their area.

It shows how environmentally unsustainable processes are often accompanied by abuses of workers' rights, and a cavalier attitude to health and safety.

Blog: Stonewall To Campaign On Trans Issues

Stonewall has announced today that it will begin campaigning on Trans issues. Stonewall is a charity which works to achieve equality and justice for lesbians, gay men and bisexual people. In 2013 the RMT LGBT conference passed a resolution on Stonewall which included the call that "Stonewall should stop perpetuating the exclusion of transgender people and campaign on trans issues in England and Wales, not just LGB issues."

You can read about Stonewall's decision to begin campaigning on trans issues here.

Unite Bus workers - message of support from RMT LTRC

Support for the Bus Workers taking strike action

The RMT London Regional Council send messages of support and solidarity to the Unite workers taking action against the employers across London’s Bus services.
We salute the action named from 00:01 to 23:59 hours on Thursday 5 February, Friday 13 February and Monday 16 February as being bold and laying down in no uncertain terms to all the employers your determination to prevail in your demands.

We shall be asking our members and activists to visit your picket lines in a show of solidarity.

The fight for Alex goes on - we need a strong yes vote

Vote Yes For Strike To Defend Alex

• Alex McGuigan has diabetes which is known to affect breathlyser testing

• Guidelines were not followed when Alex was tested

• An LUOH doctor supported our concerns

• We demand Alex is reinstated or that LUL agree to abide by ET outcome

• LUL testing procedure must be made robust and fair for all workers

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hard copies available form Unity House

Reinstate Alex McGuigan

Employee bulletin

A response to the employee bulletin written by Nigel Holness, Operations Director - Jubilee, Northern and Piccadilly lines.


Last week Nigel Holness sent out a letter to all members of staff about dismissed train operator Alex McGuigan. It contained a number of what politicians refer to as “terminological inexactitudes”. As the person who represented Alex at all stages of the procedure I am in a better position than Nigel to tell you the truth about what has happened to Alex.

Rail Worker Trade Unionists And Environmentalists Meet To Discuss How Struggles Intersect

Rail worker trade unionists and environmental activists in the USA are meeting to discuss how they can support each others’ struggles, and how the issues they're fighting on intersect.

Environmental and community activists concerned about “oil trains” (freight vehicles carrying tonnes of dangerous and unsustainable fossil fuel) being transported through working-class neighbourhoods will learn about the workplace issues faced by the workers who drive and crew those trains — fatigue, lone-working, and more.

Latest edition of rmtlondoncalling newsletter - January 2015

Latest edition of rmtlondoncalling, please download, print, display & distribute around your workplace.
Read about;

• The campaign for Alex McGuigans reinstatement

• Ongoing every job matters dispute – rosters cause rage on stations – reps and activists called for a meeting to discuss industrial action

• March for homes on January 31 2015

• London Underground fingered in tax evasion scandal

• 95% of DLR members vote yes for industrial action

• Vicky Hayward reinstated – stand firm for other sacked members