
Latest edition of RMT London Calling - July 2015

please download, print and distribute around your workplace

Solidarity wins the day - strike rock solid!
No trains run across entire network. Track & signals,Fleet, stations & service control absolutely solid.

20,000 workers from across 4 unions across all grades across the whole combine took action against the imposition of unfair, unwanted rosters.
Rosters from hell.
This strike is not about money. It never has been.
The employer has sought to impose rosters that would absolutely destroy work life balance for ALL of their staff.
We are not against night tube.

Overtime Ban


The RMT has instructed all of it’s members not to do overtime during this dispute.

The ballot for action short of a strike, which is exactly what this is, came back unanimous. If LU don’t have enough members of staff to open a station safely, then the station must close. Perhaps they should employ enough staff so this doesn’t happen!

One day after our recent strike action, two stations couldn’t open up in the morning because of staff shortage!

A Time Line Of The Night Tube Dispute

Night Tube was first announced in October 2013 at the same time as London Underground bosses and Tory mayor Boris Johnson announced plans for massive cuts to the tube and the closure of every ticket office.

The RMT has held the position since day one that we are willing to discuss any increase in Tube services. In this official union decision in November 2013 we made our position clear:

"This union is willing to discuss any proposals to extend the services offered to our passengers – including all-night running – so long as these are done safely and do not involve loss of jobs or worsening of working conditions for our members."

RMT Willing To Discuss Any Extension To Tube Services Including All Night Running

In September 2014, the date that London Underground plan to launch Night Tube was announced, but still bosses hadn't agreed with the workers via their unions how it would be staffed.

NIght tube Q&A for Service Control

Night Tube Q&A for Service Control:

Q. Why does Night Tube affect Service Control?
A. Night Tube will involve more night shifts, more work and responsibility on those night shifts and more anti-social working paterns.

Q. Haven't London Underground addressed these issues by giving extra staff on affected lines?
A. Some lines have been given extra staff to deal with Night Tube. This is because they have to provide extra staff for Meal Relief. Normally Meal Relief's are to be taken after the close of traffic. Now that is not an option.

Strike Picket Locations

Following today's last-minute derisory and insulting offer from LUL, the RMT have confirmed that this weeks strike is definitely still ON !!!
The strike begins at 18.30hrs on Wednesday 8th July and we need your support. Would all Neasden Branch Reps/Activists/Members who are planning to organise or assist on picket lines please contact Adam Evans (Branch Chairman) on 07890 056868 to let him know where you will be.

Union leaflets/armbands/flags are now available to collect from Unity House.

Update from today's ACAS talks

Update from today's talks.

Night tube

The offer put before the trade unions today was divisive, cynical and an insult to every one of us.

It was designed to buy off the minority to the detriment of the majority.
The offer was made by the CEO with the proviso that the trade unions accept it by 1830 today.

This was a cynical attempt by LUL to try and attempt to panic the unions to accept a divisive offer that benefits few but affects everyone.
We cannot accept the offer on this basis.

Fixed term contract? Why you shoud strike

LU has been looking for a formula to weaken the trades unions for years. They hoped the development of the SRT would have a negative effect on stations , but the buggers kept joining the RMT.
When the unions rightly forced management to address the gender imbalance among drivers, LU thought that by advertising in Cosmopolitan, etc, they'd get a nice passive workforce in heels & Laura Ashley skirts.
Nope - the buggers joined trade unions.

Striking is good for the soul - read why here.

Short guide to striking

When does it start?

The strike will start for Station Staff at 18.30 on Wednesday 8th July

What does this mean?

That if your duty starts after this time you do not report for duty until after the strike ends

What if my duty starts before this time?

If you have started your duty before 18.30 you complete that duty as normal.

When does the strike end

The strike ends for Station Staff at 18.29 Thursday 9th July

What does this mean

latest edition of london calling - strike special edition ALL OUT JULY 8/9

latest edition of rmt London calling

download, print ,distribute and display around your workplace

Hard copies available from Unity House from Friday

The strikes are on

All grades (apart from T/Ops & I/Os)

Do not book on for duty 1830 July 8 until 1829 July 9

T/ops & I/Os do not book on for duty 2130 July 8 until 2129 July 9

OT ban from 2130 July 9

The unrealistic and unfair thresholds the Tories and the Mayor wish to impose on Strike ballots have been well and truly hurdled by workers on the tube.