
Latest updates for the London Transport Region

Further to my previous Circular (IR/299/15, 4th December 2015) there remains a number of areas of concern over London Underground’s Fit for the Future Stations (FFFS) proposals and the Lead Officer has written to LUL seeking assurances that there will be no imposition of a new framework agreement, that staff will not be forced to sign new contracts and that rosters will not be imposed. At the time of writing we have not yet received a response from LUL.  



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RMT member, activist and LU Station Supervisor Glen Hart is being subjected to some of the worse bullying and harassment by London Underground Management ever seen!

Glen 20 years without blemish on LU has been suspended from work with his job threatened for the last 15 months; with Management inventing one story after another to find a way to do him in

Defend Glen Hart - demo at Clapham Common Station 9/12/15 at 0800


Defend Glen Hart


Stop the victimisation of RMT rep/activist Glen Hart by London Underground

The RMT are demonstrating against the unfair victimisation of Glen Hart who has been targeted solely because he is a RMT activist and he loses a station during last years OT ban because he had no relief.

LUL have since tried to discipline Glen with unfounded and untrue allegations.

LUL found no charge at the first CDI - immediately they produced another set of equally flimsy charges.

This time Glen is accused of being " horrible" to a manager

Latest edition of RMT London Calling

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RMT reps say pay offer falls short

The  overwhelming view of the reps at the meeting was that the pay offer fell short of what was wanted.
It was a below inflation 4 year deal that gave us no increase until year 4.
In year 1 we get about 2% , with strings and dependant on what salary you are on, but the RPI in April 2015, when we should have got our pay rise, was 2.5%,
In  years 2 & 3 RPI or 1% (whichever is greater) and year 4 only 0.25% above RPI.

RMT London Calling gets results


LTRC London Calling newsletter demands that LUL stop provaracating and put the revised pay offer to the RMT as promised at ACAS last week.

The newsletter was posted at 1600 on November 24

At 1800 LUL deliver via email the revised offer and post it on their intranet.

Coincidence? Possibly.

Glad to see Steve,the boys and gals are enjoying our little effort at informing our members - 

Looking and responding to our requests.

How about leaving Glen Hart alone now?