LUL Service Control

News, reports and information for London Underground service control staff

Service Control Grades Committee Meeting

The Service Control Grades Committee will next meet on: 25th October 2012 between 13.00 and 15.00.
It will be followed by the Regional Council.

The meeting will be held at Committee Room 1, Unity House, Chalton Street, Euston. The nearest tube station is Euston or Kings Cross.

All RMT members within the Service Control and signalling grades are urged to attend. Have your say about your workplace

  • Line upgrades and cabin/control room closures.
  • Waterloo and City Line Weekend Running, implications on Staff!
  • Hammersmith Cabin Regrade

RMT Evidence To The Greater London Assembly Follow-up To Its Investigation Into The State Of The Tube

As the largest trade union on London Underground, and the only union representing all grades on London Underground, RMT deeply regrets that no action has been taken following the GLA investigation into the state of the Tube.

In particular, RMT is deeply concerned that following the Union’s active engagement in the investigation, and the subsequent good faith with which we engaged the Olympics, that it now appears that our members are faced with an unprecedented assault.

Continue reading or download the original document attached below

Service Control Grades Meeting

A meeting to discuss recent developments regarding Hammersmith SCC,
Management are trying to reneage on the protected earnings for life.
Management are insisting the SCL! grade will move across into the new room ( supported by TSSA ), in effect 20 SCL1's at baker St and a current campaign for 40 will take most of the expected positions.

LUL's Olympic Legacy: Carrying Customers Over Shunt Signals

As part of the Operational Effectiveness programme LUL introduced a number of changes to Rules. These changes were discussed through the machinery until finally being exhausted at Safety Forum level. LUL chose to push through the majority of these changes. These Rules were introduced as OSN101 in September 2011 in a booklet titled ‘Getting ready for the Olympics’.

Olympic Recognition And Reward TfL (LU) And London Underground’s Breaches Of Casualisation Dispute Settlement

"RMT members are instructed not to co-operate in any way with the counting of Incident Customer Service Assistants (ICSAs) towards the minimum number of staff on duty" - Bob Crow

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

I write to advise members that following the closing of both ballots for industrial action short of a strike the General Grades Committee has considered the situation and decided to call the following industrial action.

Olympic Recognition and Reward Dispute

Despite reaching agreement over the Olympic payment arrangements we continue to have problems with the implementation of the agreement. Therefore all LUL members are instructed to take the following industrial action short of a strike.

After G4S Security Shambles RMT Warns Of Olympics Transport Staffing Crisis

TRANSPORT UNION RMT warned today of a repeat of the G4S Olympics security scandal on the tube if London Underground continue with their plans to staff services with inadequately trained volunteers.

RMT is in formal dispute as Incident Customer Service Assistants (ICSA’s) are still being used to make up minimum numbers at stations, which is in breach of agreement made in 2008. Additionally. the union has advised management of serious concerns over their plans to introduce mobile station supervision as well as the continuing use of agency and security staff on the ex-Silverlink stations.

RMT Settles West London Service Control Dispute

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that following a series of ACAS talks the Piccadilly and sub-surface lines control dispute has been settled and strike action due to start this Sunday evening has been called off.

Following extensive negotiations RMT has been able to secure agreements that protect earnings, employment, grading, career progression, training and the release time for union representatives.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

Service Control Offer Considered by Reps

Today all RMT Service Control reps from across Service Control in London Underground met to discuss the final offer that LU and RMT had been negotiating all this week at ACAS.

The reps felt that the final offer made after much negotiating and fighting was a solid victory for all members and for everyone that works in service control, they also felt we had all achieved something un-heard of in London Underground... A guaranteed "Lifetime Protection of Earnings" in writing from LU!!