LUL Service Control

News, reports and information for London Underground service control staff

RMT Service Control - ACAS Talks Update

RMT has put forward our opinion on this document that shows many loopholes for London Underground to not support Service Control staff in the future and allows management to hand pick who goes where.

LU management don't want there to be any transparency in who goes where in Service Control and don't want anything to be done by mutual agreement but for LU to choose and decide everything.

RMT And London Underground Met At ACAS Today To Discuss Service Control Dispute

RMT reps attended ACAS with London Underground Ltd today to discuss our service control dispute.

We confirmed the issues which have forced us to call industrial action, and received an initial, verbal response from management.

LUL will put its response in writing by Monday, and there will be further talks on Tuesday. So far, however, the company has not provided the answers that our service control members need to assure them of their future job security, fair treatment and adequate representation.

So our industrial action remains ON.

Service Control Strike Newsletter

The attached document has been updated, please display this version, not the earlier one as it has been improved.

London Underground

  • Refuse to give YOU any financial protection when they close your control room or signal cabin!
  • Will displace you to any job or grade that suits them!
  • They will send you anywhere in London to do any job!

London Underground Service Control Members To Take 72 Hour Strike Action

The strike is now off, and the dispute settled, following successful negotiations

I write to advise branches that the recent ‘Yes’ vote in the above ballot has now been considered by the General Grades Committee and has made the following decision:-

“In accordance with the wishes of our service control representatives and members, we instruct members to take industrial action as follows:

  • not to book on for any duties starting after 19:00 on Sunday 1st July 2012, returning to duties starting after 19:00 on Wednesday 4th July 2012

Service Control Dispute Meeting To Discuss Options Following Ballot For Industrial Action

From RMT Service Control Team

Due to the current dispute and the ballot results coming back with a resounding yes we are holding an emergency meeting to discuss what you want management to concede to settle this dispute.

What future protection, guarantees and job options do you want agreed from LU?

Also we need you to decide what industrial action you as the member think is suitable to take if this doesn't happen as the ballot has now given us the legal grounding to do so.

Bob Crow Writes To London Underground Urging Talks At ACAS Regarding Service Control Dispute

"As a result of these outstanding issues and because we wish to negotiate an agreement on this dispute, I believe the best way forward is to hold talks at ACAS as a matter of urgency." - Bob Crow

Letter from RMT General Secretary Bob Crow to London Underground


Further to your letter dated 31st May 2012, please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to you. We have been preparing a detailed response which is outlined below.

As advised yesterday my Service Control members voted overwhelmingly for strike action and action short of industrial action. Despite the contents of much of your letter, I must advise you that we still have a substantial number of concerns and we believe service control staff and our representatives continue to be mistreated by LUL. I shall answer each of the points on which we remain in dispute below: -

Tube Workers Vote For Action In Service Control Dispute

"This group of workers are absolutely key... the way that they have been treated by the management at a time when the system is under intense pressure is nothing short of shocking." - Bob Crow

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that key service control centre staff have voted overwhelmingly for strike action and action short of a strike in a dispute over jobs and conditions of service.

Proposals by London Underground regarding the move of Piccadilly Line Service Control to Hammersmith Service Control Centre have raised a range of union concerns that the management refuse to address:

  • The Wholesale job losses arising from the move to Hammersmith Service Control Centre
  • The Non-payment of the Service Operator 3 rate of pay