Health and safety

Campaigning for higher health and safety standards at work, and opposing the employers' shortcuts

RMT To Ballot Test Train Drivers For Industrial Action To Stop Tube Bosses Plans For A driverless Railway

We note the resolution from our LU Fleet branch, and reiterate this union's complete opposition to driverless trains. Every train must have a driver, to ensure the safe and effective running of the Underground. Plans to scrap drivers or reduce their driving duties are risking safety, services and jobs, motivated by saving money and undermining trade unionism.

We instruct the General Secretary to:

London Underground Casualisation Leafter For Tube passengers

An important message from RMT to London Underground passengers.

During the Olympics London Underground has been counting volunteers among the number of safety-trained staff needed legally to keep Tube stations open, putting everyone concerned at risk. See overleaf to see how YOU can help us to stop this abuse.

During the Olympics, London Underground has been using volunteers to help out with the additional crowds using the Tube.

Cumbria Derailment Underlines Key Role Of Threatened Rail Staff

THE SAFE evacuation of the Northern Rail train derailed near St Bees in Cumbria yesterday underlines the importance of safety-trained train and infrastructure crew who are under threat thanks to “wrong-headed” government policy, Britain’s biggest rail union said today.

As the media reported praise for the train crew’s calm and orderly evacuation of around 100 passengers, RMT condemned the government’s plan to abolish guards under the notorious McNulty report, which aims to sack up to 20,000 rail staff to protect private operators’ profits.

RMT general secretary Bob Crow said:

LUL’S Olympic Legacy: Setting A Train Back By Up To One Car

As part of the Operational Effectiveness programme LUL have introduced a number of changes to Rules. These changes were discussed through the machinery until finally being exhausted at Safety Forum level. LUL chose to push through the majority of these changes.

These Rules were introduced as OSN101 in September 2011 in a booklet titled ‘Getting ready for the Olympics’. Among these changes was an instruction which allows for a Train Operator to set their train back by one car or less after a platform overrun or in the event of a SPAD.

LUL’S Olympic Legacy: Platform re-categorisation

As part of the Operational Effectiveness programme LUL introduced a number of changes to Rules. These changes were discussed through the machinery until finally being exhausted at Safety Forum level. LUL chose to push through the majority of these changes.

These Rules were introduced as OSN101 in September 2011 in a booklet titled ‘Getting ready for the Olympics’. One of these is a change to Rulebook 8 Section 2.1 which determines how a platform is given an ‘A’ Category.

LUL's Olympic Legacy: Carrying Customers Over Shunt Signals

As part of the Operational Effectiveness programme LUL introduced a number of changes to Rules. These changes were discussed through the machinery until finally being exhausted at Safety Forum level. LUL chose to push through the majority of these changes. These Rules were introduced as OSN101 in September 2011 in a booklet titled ‘Getting ready for the Olympics’.

RMT Demands Urgent Investigation Into Tube Maintenance Cuts As Central Line Reduced To Chaos This Morning

TUBE UNION RMT this morning demanded an immediate investigation into the real impact of cuts to fleet maintenance schedules, and specifically brake inspections and renewals, as it began to emerge that the likely cause of the Central Line shutdown during this morning’s Olympics morning peak was defective brakes seizing up.

Although RMT is awaiting the outcome of the investigation into the incident it is reported that the driver saw smoke billowing from the tunnel at Leyton and noticed a strong smell of burning.

Olympic Special Stations And Revenue Newsletter

The deal secured by your union guarantees the existing protection of the framework agreement. The RMT alone argued that we were already being asked to work hard enough without selling any hard won protection for a few quid. If you feel that you have been asked to work outside of this agreement or been treated unfavourably then advise your local RMT rep who will take it up immediately . Remember that the framework agreement is there for a reason, it protects our safety, welfare and future at work.You have a right and a responsibility to refuse any duty which breaks that agreement. Only a fool breaks the twelve hour rule.

...continue reading or download the newsletter below.

Olympic Recognition And Reward TfL (LU) And London Underground’s Breaches Of Casualisation Dispute Settlement

"RMT members are instructed not to co-operate in any way with the counting of Incident Customer Service Assistants (ICSAs) towards the minimum number of staff on duty" - Bob Crow

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

I write to advise members that following the closing of both ballots for industrial action short of a strike the General Grades Committee has considered the situation and decided to call the following industrial action.

Olympic Recognition and Reward Dispute

Despite reaching agreement over the Olympic payment arrangements we continue to have problems with the implementation of the agreement. Therefore all LUL members are instructed to take the following industrial action short of a strike.

RMT Members Vote Yes For Action Short Of Strike In Both 'LU Olympic Recognition and Reward' And 'LU Breach of Casualisation Dispute Settlement' Disputes

From General Secretary Bob Crow


I write to advise you that the ballot of my members has now concluded and the result is as follows: -