Health and safety

Campaigning for higher health and safety standards at work, and opposing the employers' shortcuts

RMT Welcomes Use Of Boarding Ramps For Passengers With Mobility Impairments Wherever Sufficient Trained Staff Are Available For There Safe Usage

From General Secretary Bob Crow

The following resolution was passed by London Transport Regional Council;

“That our Union supports the continuing use of boarding ramps to enable access for mobility impaired passengers to London Undergrounds trains. We insist that this is properly risk assessed and that there are always adequate numbers of staff on every station to facilitate use of the ramps.”

The General Grades Committee met to consider the matter and made the following decision;

Cut Crime Not Victims Compensation

From General Secretary Bob Crow

Cut crimes against transport workers, not our compensation. Demonstrate outside Parliament at Old Palace Yard.

I am urging you to attend a demonstration called to protest at the Government’s decision to attack the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme. Your Union has just learned that the Government may try and force through these changes on Monday 12th November.

Tube Bosses Claim There Will Be No Driverless Trains In 'Near Future' And State Changes Are Anticipated For Station Staff

We note the report of a meeting that took place yesterday with two Directors of London Underground Ltd. It appears that this meeting did not take place in line with our previous decision of 25 October 2012, and instruct the General Secretary to obtain an explanation of this and to place it in front of us.

We note that in the meeting, LUL stated that:

  • there will be no driverless trains in the near future
  • the Bakerloo line upgrade due in 2020 as yet has no agreed funding
  • it anticipates employing more station staff as the service frequency increases

Test Train Drivers Ballot Results

That we note the result of ballot for strike action is:-

Total votes cast - 5

Number voting “Yes” - 4

Number voting “No” - 1

That we note the result of ballot for action short of strike action is:-

Total votes cast 5

Number voting “Yes” - 5

Number voting “No” - 0

We congratulate our members for taking this firm stance against the development of ‘driverless trains’, and note that London Underground Ltd states that it is not proceeding with these tests.

Tube Lines Denies Plan To Test Driverless Trains On The Tube

“No plans in relation to preparing for the introduction of driverless train on London Underground” - Tube Lines

We note the correspondence from Tube Lines, stating that it has “no plans in relation to preparing for the introduction of driverless train on London Underground” and that “This is a matter for London Underground to determine”. We instruct the General Secretary to continue to press Tube Lines for information concerning its involvement in developing technology that may facilitate driverless trains or a reduction in the driver’s role.

London Underground Bosses & RMT Reps To Meet To Discuss 'Driverless' Trains

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd, and instruct the General Secretary to arrange for the appropriate officer(s) and representative(s) to attend the meeting suggested by LUL.

We further instruct the General Secretary to draft a list of issues and demands that we will raise at this meeting, and to place these in front of the GGC in advance of the meeting.

Any developments to be placed in front of us.

London Transport Regional Council, branches and representatives to be advised.

RMT to ballot drivers for safe detrainment procedure

The RMT General Grades Committee has agreed to ballot for action short of strike action driver members on the Bakerloo and Central Lines for a safe procedure for detraining passengers.

This follows a joint meeting of RMT and ASLEF members held on Monday 22nd of October to discuss the detrainment procedure on the Bakerloo Line. The meeting was addressed by RMT Regional Organiser Brian Whitehead and ASLEF executive member Terry Wilkinson.

Demonstration: 25th Anniversary Of The King's Cross Fire

From General Secretary Bob Crow

RMT will be demonstrating outside Kings Cross station on Sunday 18th November at 11.00 to commemorate the fire and to highlight the continued need for a fully staffed and safe tube network.

This demonstration is especially important in light of the LUL documents which have been seen by your Union, which plan an unattended network including automated trains and would necessitate the ripping up of the safety regulations, including minimum staffing levels, which came about in response to the tragedy.

Sign The E-petition Against Cuts To Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme

You can sign this very important petition here.

From General Secretary Bob Crow
Despite the successful efforts of the Union and the RMT Parliamentary Group in blocking the government’s previous attack on the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme, as suspected, the Tory millionaires and Lib Dem lickspittles have re-submitted plans to cut a quarter - £50 000 000 - from the CICS budget.

London Taxi Driver's Branch Demands Assurances, Protections & Investigation Following Recall Of TX4 Models

As the London Cab Trade attempts to recover from the economic disaster of the Olympics caused by the scaremongering publicity from TfL - since admitted and regretted by the Mayor of London - and the decision by TfL to exclude us from the Games lane, we were again dismayed when TfL suspended the licences of over 300 new Taxi’s following a steering fault that could have endangered the lives of Driver and passenger alike.

The RMT therefore demand the following:

  • The IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION OF THE 15 YEAR RULE to ensure that those owners can continue to work so that the effect of the TX4 ‘interruption to the supply chain’ is mitigated and that the Cab fleet can cope with demand coming up to the Peak period.