Health and safety

Campaigning for higher health and safety standards at work, and opposing the employers' shortcuts

Say No To DRMS

View the poster by clicking the image or hitting 'download attachment' below.

It has been raised by the RMT Union that handing over the control of signalling equipment or control to an unqualified member of staff who doesn’t have the right paperwork, knowledge or regular work of signalling in that area can put the safety of the railway in jeopardy!

Addison Lee Boss John Griffin's Comments Concerning London Cyclists Are Disturbing Say RMT London Taxi Branch

The RMT London Taxi Branch notes the disturbing comments made by Mr John Griffin concerning London Cyclists, This once again demonstrates his complete contempt for other road users.

This statement and his continued instruction to his drivers to flout the law in respect of Bus Lanes calls into question Addison Lee's fitness to hold a Private Hire Operators Licence.

If TfL fail in their attempts to prevent these illegal actions, we will act and invite all trade organisations to join us in that action

RMT London Taxi Branch Demand That TfL Suspends Operating Licence Of Addison Lee PLC

RMT London Taxi Branch notes the instruction by Addison Lee PLC (A London Private Hire Operator) to instruct their driver to break the law by using bus lanes reserved for Buses and Taxis.

We demand that Transport for London (TfL) suspends the operating licence of Addison Lee PLC with immediate effect and rigorously enforce the Bus Lanes to prevent such dangerous and reckless behaviour.

Safety Concerns For Tube Operation During Tube Lines Three Day Strike

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

Members of the RMT employed at Tube Lines are due to take part in strike action, the period of the strike will be from 16.00 hours on 24th April until 16.00 hours on 27th April.

Should you, as an individual, feel that as part of your duties you are placing yourself in serious or imminent danger during the dispute you should comply with your company’s policy as required by the MHSW.

Attached to this circular is a pro-forma should you wish to record your concerns in writing to your management.

RMT Raises Serious Safety Issues Over Tube Lines Strike

TUBE UNION RMT today wrote to TFL chiefs demanding safety assurances during the Tube Lines strike action next week after bosses issued statements saying that they will continue to try and run services regardless of whether essential maintenance and repairs work is being carried out and regardless of the fact that the safety-critical Emergency Response Unit will be joining the strike action.

Proposed Cuts to Compensation For Workers Who Suffer An Assault Or Railway Suicide

From General Secretary Bob Crow

I write to advise you that the Government yet again are proposing changes to the CICS that if implemented will affect the compensation that our members currently receive when attacked at work or when they experience a suicide on the railways. It is currently proposed to abolish the lower tariff bands of the Compensation Criminal Injury Scheme (CICS), this move will remove from eligibility the majority of our members injured as a result of criminal violence during the course of their work.

RMT To Approach ASLEF For A Joint Campaign Against Victoria Line Train Automatic Door Opening Plans

We note the request from our Finsbury Park branch, suggesting a joint campaign with ASLEF against the introduction of Automatic Door Opening on the Victoria Line, believing this to be a major component of London Underground’s preparation for the introduction of ‘driverless trains’. We accordingly instruct the General Secretary to contact ASLEF seeking a joint campaign on this issue.

We also encourage our Finsbury Park branch and trains representatives to pursue this with ASLEF at a company and local level.