LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

TfL Board To Discuss Driverless Trains

The TfL board will discuss the 'Operational Vision' this week, which predicts trains without drivers and the closure of all ticket offices by 2016.

A document has been released detailing the agenda of the meeting. It says "Given the technology available now, it is very unlikely that, after the procurement of the trains for the Sub Surface Lines, LU will ever again buy a fleet of passenger trains with conventional drivers’ cabs."

The document also makes note of stations saying that ticket office need will decrease and staff will need to become more 'flexible.'

TfL Board To Discuss Driverless Trains, Ticket Office Closure & Reduced Maintenance In Job Cut Board Meeting

The TfL board will discuss the 'Operational Vision' tomorrow November 2nd 2011, which predicts trains without drivers and the closure of all ticket offices by 2016.

LUL's Managing Director Mike Brown's presentation to the Board is attached.

Brown says "Given the technology available now, it is very unlikely that, after the procurement of the trains for the Sub Surface Lines, LU will ever again buy a fleet of passenger trains with conventional drivers’ cabs."

LUL Declares War - RMT London Transport Region Response To Tube Jobs And Safety Decimation

LUL Declares War

Make no mistake, the Confidential Report exposed by RMT is the result of months, if not years, of management preparations to transform our job, root and branch, and bust the trade unions along with it.

The results will be massive job losses across all grades.

Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary, said “This document tells us everything we need to know about the operational strategy of London Underground - massive increase in fares alongside an unprecedented attack on jobs and safety. “Every single ticket office would be closed, stations left unstaffed and drivers would be thrown out of their cabs without a single thought for passenger safety.

Tube Management Internal Report Exposes Unprecedented Jobs And Safety Assault

TUBE UNION RMT today released a confidential “Operational Strategy” paper from London Underground which the union says is “a blueprint for jobs and safety carnage.”

Click on the attachments to see RMT' London Calling and LU's confidential 'Operational Strategy' paper.

Discuss the sackings of Paul McCulloch and Neil Turley

CSA’s Paul McCulloch and Neil Turley were stood down from duty following allegations made against them in a public house on the 12th of November 2010.
The alleged incident occurred outside work, not on work premises and neither members were in uniform. No outside authority was called to deal with any issue.

Both are active members of the union and were heavily involved in the RMT’s ‘lone working’ strikes and later in organising station staff refusing to work on gate-lines as LU were not complying with safety procedures on the Wembley Central Group.

RMT Reveals LU's Refusal to Assist Visually-Impaired Passengers at Victoria

RMT has revealed a shocking instruction from London Underground management - that visually-impaired passengers should not travel to Victoria station during the evening peak. The BBC has covered this story here:

The union said last year that savage cuts to station staffing would leave disabled people without the help they need in getting around the Tube system. This appalling report shows that we were right. London Underground should reverse the job cuts!

RMT Plans National 'SOS: Staff Our Stations' Campaign

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We welcome the AGM resolution calling for a national ‘SOS: Staff Our Stations’ campaign, particularly considering the renewed threat to station staffing posed by the McNulty report. We will campaign on this issue in conjunction with our campaign on McNulty.

We further note that a meeting has been arranged between ourselves and the TSSA on 24 October to discuss this issue. We instruct the General Secretary to prepare for this meeting by:

London Underground Rates Of Pay And Conditions Of Service 2011

FOLLOWING CONSULTATION with local reps, tube union RMT confirmed today that it will be putting the latest tube pay offer to a referendum ballot of members with a recommendation to accept.

The offer is 5% this year backdated to April with RPI plus 0.5% for the following three years with a guarantee of no less than 2% if inflation were to drop significantly.

Final Management Proposal for New Surplus and Loss Procedure in Station Ticket Offices-Comments Needed

As has been previously reported LU management have been consulting with RMT and TSSA on a proposed new Surplus and Loss Procedure

They have now given us a "Final Version" which they intend to implement shortly.As we have reported at each stage of this process RMT have put forward our proposals,some of which have been included in the New Procedure but most have been ignored.

We have been asked to give management our final comments/proposals on this procedure by the 11/10/2011.