LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

London Underground's Olympic Offer: full details

Attached to this post, you will find London Underground's letter to RMT setting out the company's offer to staff for Olympic working, consisting of:

  • a letter from LU
  • a document giving its 'flexibility' demands
  • and an appendix for each of the four functions affected
    • Asset Performance Directorate
    • Stations and Revenue Control
    • Service Control including Duty Reliability Managers
    • Operational Managers in COO and APD, including Network Operational Learning Trainers

RMT Considers LU Olympics Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the offer from London Underground, of an additional £350 lump sum payment to all operational staff in each of the following functions, dependant on the trade unions agreeing to changes in working practices detailed in the correspondence:

  • Asset Performance Directorate
  • Stations and Revenue Control
  • Service Control including Duty Reliability Managers
  • Operational Managers in COO and APD, including Network Operational Learning Trainers

Arnos Grove Stations: RMT Ballots for Action to Restore Cut Staff Posts

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the resolution from our Finsbury Park branch. We agree with our branch that staffing levels on London Underground stations are deplorably low, and that there is a specific problem with gateline staffing at Wood Green station. We note that negotiations have failed to resolve this matter, and that the branch now wishes to ballot members on Arnos Grove group of stations for action short of strikes with a view to calling an overtime ban.

Staffing Concerns And Trade Union Involvement - An Open Letter To LUL Managing Director Mike Brown

An open letter has been sent by RMT Stations and Revenue Council Safety Council Staff Side Secretary Ross Marshall to LU Managing Director Mike Brown.

The letter regards "The comments.... made in relation to several questions regarding staffing levels, the current review on stations, the fact that LU had presented the OSP plans as a fait accompli and other problems related to the OSP." Questions are also being asked about the review of staffing levels at a handful of stations, and why the RMT is not being involved with on this review.

Click 'read more' to see the letter or download the attachment for the original document.

RMT Platform Feb 2012

Please find attached the latest copy of RMT Platform .Download and print copies for your messrooms and union noticeboards. Read about how the Revenue & Station Grades are working for the memebrs and how and where you can get involved.Its your union,its important for you to have your say.

RMT Defends Role of Station Supervisor in Station Access

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note with great concern the report from our Regional Organiser and representatives that London Underground has imposed a change to the rules and procedures for station access, removing responsibility and control from Station Supervisors for allowing access for people working on stations.

RMT Platform

Click on the attachment to read the latest edition of RMTPlatform.

Included in this edition are LULs plans to have station staff flogging their guts out 24/7 for a few measly quid?
Thankfully ASLE&F we are not!!
The RMT have turned down flat this insulting and divisive offer.

Also read some questions you may wish Mr Browns boys to answer when taken to Stratford for your indoctrination/fit for work gathering.* delete as appropriate