TUC Young Members Conference 2013

Trade Union Congress Young Members Conference 23-24th March 2013

Attached is the agenda for the TUC young members conference which takes place at Congress house, Great Russell street, London (nearest tube Tottenham court road).

We submitted 1 motion- M8:

Conference notes the government wants public sector workers to pay increased pension contributions, work for more years and receive a smaller pension on retirement than they do currently.

RMT Budget Response

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said: “This is the same old mixture of cuts and austerity from this Government of the rich, for the rich and will do nothing to tackle the evils of poverty and unemployment that are devastating the lives of millions of people away from the cosy world of the political class and the Westminster bubble.

Tory Spotting T-Shirts For Sale

For the Oct 20th demo RMT young members in conjunction with our friends at Sabcat designed and produced special edition T-shirts with the iconic figure of Nye Bevin with quote- “No attempt at ethical or social seduction can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party. So far as I am “concerned they are lower than vermin” on the back. With the now famous Tory spotting image with Tory #4 Ed Miliband on the front.

The special edition t-shirts will remain limited but due to the impact and subsequent interest we asked Sabcat to print more Tory Spotting t-shirts.

Workplace campaigns: 

Drop in session to discuss Workplace Harassment and Bullying

LU Engineering branch have organised a drop in session to discuss workplace harassment and bullying.
All RMT members are welcome, please circulate flyer to friends you feel would benefit from the session, but do not display on workplace noticeboards, for fear of management repercussions.

The event will be held upstairs at the Exmouth Arms, Starcross Street, London NW1 (near Euston station)

The event will run on Wednesday April 17th, from 12pm til 6pm, please drop in any time you can.

RCIS Move Closer To Unprecedented Strike Ballot

Industial relations within the Revenue dept sank to an all time low last week with an appalling attack on the RMT reps within the dept, by the centurian manager, in an email to all staff.

The email, full of gross untuths, misleading suggestions and anti union retoric, lays bare the depts full contempt for the RMT and the machinary.

Since last september, RMT reps have , via the level one process, agreed in good faith, arrangements to enhance work life balance and other issues, only to then see the arrangements made, regulary ignored by DRCMs and Centurian managers.