RMT Slams Tube Bosses Two-tier Workforce Plans

Tube union RMT has slammed plans to transfer some Tube Lines clerical and project staff back in-house to London Underground without pension or travel facilities and has threatened industrial action to defend the terms and conditions of its members.

RMT general secretary Bob Crow said that while proposals to re-integrate some staff into LUL may sound positive after the long-running PPP Tube privatisation fiasco, the 700 or so staff involved would not be allowed to join the TfL pension fund.

Right To Carry Over Statutory Annual Leave Entitlement Due To Sickness

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

Further to my Circular No IR/131/13 dated the 25th February 2013 with regards to the above matter and where I informed you of the important court ruling on annual leave under the Working Time Regulations. As you may recall, I again wrote to London Underground raising our concerns over their decision not to update or publish company policies to reflect the changes to case law.

Domestic violence: the facts

From Women's Aid, 2007

Incidence and prevalence of domestic violence: General
• Domestic violence accounts for between 16% and one quarter of all recorded violent crime. (Home Office, 2004; Dodd et al., 2004; BCS, 1998; Dobash and Dobash, 1980)
• One incident is reported to the police every minute. (Stanko, 2000)

Revenue & Station Grades Meeting 28th Of March 2013


As many know, London Underground is in the process of engineering another jobs attack. The RMT is taking a proactive stance in preparations for the changes, and part of this is to renew solidarity amongst all grades. Now more than ever it is vital that we reinvigorate our members and show an energised union presence in the workplace.

A major opportunity to do this is at our monthly Station Staff Recruitment and Retention day. I write you to request that you would send some representatives from your group and branch to our next Station Staff Recruitment and Retention day.

Updated Advice on Rainbow from Stations & Revenue Functional Reps

See the attached updated advice for dealing with Rainbow sickness processes.

Feb 2013-02-28

Update on Rainbow Sickness Process from Stations Functional Council Reps (SFC).

This update is overdue but we have been waiting for an agreed set of minutes from the last APC (Attendance, Performance & Conduct) meeting with management. The minutes are still in dispute but as the next meeting is not now scheduled until April and we are now getting more reports of the process kicking off again we are issuing this update to previous advice.
