Bakerloo drivers - continue with your union's instructions - tip out trains if this has not been done so by appropriately-licensed staff.

London Underground’s latest proposal to resolve the Bakerloo detrainment dispute has not been
accepted by RMT or Aslef. Their ‘Updated Detrainment Briefing’ being issued to drivers does not settle our dispute. This latest version of ‘flash and dash’ has not been properly negotiated with your union. If a driver detrained using this method of shutting the doors and walking down the train looking in windows and overcarried there would be formal action taken against them.

RMT Launches Model Domestic Violence Policy For UK

On International Women’s Day (8th March), transport union RMT launches a new model domestic violence policy framework for the UK transport industry at the union’s annual women’s conference in Nottingham.

The policy document sets out clear principles for employers to recognise domestic violence as a workplace issue and maps out procedures for reporting, delivering a safe and supportive environment and promoting the policy amongst staff.

Rail Union RMT Calls On London Mayor Boris Johnson To Support Campaign For Crossrail Fleet To Be Built In Britain

RAIL UNION RMT today challenged London Mayor Boris Johnson to come out and publicly support a union-led campaign for the Crossrail fleet to be built in Britain or risk the kind of delays that have dogged plans to build the Thameslink trains in Germany, a scandal which has dragged back the national fleet replacement programme by three years.

Last week, TFL and the DFT confirmed that the Crossrail fleet will be wholly procured by the cheaper and more efficient route of public financing, an open recognition that the public/private finance model is unable to deliver on time and on price.

Bob Crow To Appear On BBC Question Time

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow will appear on BBC Question Time this Thursday at 22:35. Other guests will include Stephen Twigg MP and Daily Mail columnist Melanie Phillips.

Bob Crow said in a letter to RMT members "I will be using the opportunity to make the case for worker's rights, public services and the defence of jobs and decent wages and working conditions."

If you miss the show it will be available here on the BBC Iplayer shortly after broadcast.

3.8% Pay Rise For Tube Lines Workers

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow


You will be aware that we are currently in year 4 of the 5 year pay. It was agreed that year 4 would be based on the actual RPI in January 2013 which is published in February 2013 + 0.5% or a minimum 2% whichever is the greater.

Therefore I write to advise you that the RPI figure for January 2013 was 3.3%, which means an increase in pay for this year of 3.8%, effective from 1st April 2013.