Tube Drivers Ramp Up Public Protest In Detrainment And Staffing Dispute

TUBE DRIVERS involved in a five week dispute over staff and passenger safety on the Bakerloo Line will take their campaign out onto the streets this Friday as the union ramps up public support and pressure on London Underground.

The drivers and their supporters will be outside Queens Park station from 7.30am to 9.00am this Friday – 22ndFebruary – demanding an end to the spin and lies from LUL and serious talks to resolve the bitter dispute which continues to disrupt Bakerloo Line services on a daily basis despite a barrage of misinformation from Transport for London.

Tube Drivers Ramp Up Public Protest In Detrainment And Staffing Dispute

TUBE DRIVERS involved in a five week dispute over staff and passenger safety on the Bakerloo Line will take their campaign out onto the streets this Friday as the union ramps up public support and pressure on London Underground.

The drivers and their supporters will be outside Queens Park station from 7.30am to 9.00am this Friday – 22ndFebruary – demanding an end to the spin and lies from LUL and serious talks to resolve the bitter dispute which continues to disrupt Bakerloo Line services on a daily basis despite a barrage of misinformation from Transport for London.

Autism In The Work Place Motion Submitted To TUC Disabled Worker's Conference

The Following motion was Agreed by the RMT Executive to submit as the union’s resolution to TUC Disabled Workers’ Conference.

We note that autism is a neurological spectrum condition. Our society - including our workplaces - causes various difficulties to people on the autistic spectrum (diagnosed or undiagnosed), and to people caring for autistic people. Problems include: bullying; imposed changes to work routines; sensory overload; and difficulty getting time off or fixed hours when needed.

RMT & ASLEF Unity Secures Safe Process For Works On Jubilee Line

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and that LUL has agreed to place telephones at 60m intervals through the relevant section of the Jubilee line during the tunnel relining, to enable the discharge of traction current in an emergency. This is similar to the arrangement on the Heathrow loop, and is acceptable to our representatives.

LGBT Newsletter Standing Proud Winter 2012/13 Edition

The latest edition of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender newsletter 'Standing Proud' is now available.

It has the following stories:

  • RMT Hold Protest Outside Ugandan Embassy Over Threat To LGBT Rights
  • LGBT Conference 2013
  • RMT Protest Russian Governments Attacks On LGBT Peopl
  • Executive Response to motion on the effect on young LGBT people of scrapping housing benefits
  • LGBT History Month
  • RMT vows to fight 'gay cure' organisations

Free Travel Facilities, Emirates Airline Cable Car & Thames Riverboat Services

We note the response from TfL, which falls short of our members’ justified aspiration for free travel on these services. We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that this matter is tabled for discussion with the employer(s), and to seek a joint approach with the other unions.

We also note the report on our efforts to organise the workforce on the Emirates Air Line. We instruct the General Secretary to provide full support and resources for these efforts, and to place regular progress reports in front of us.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.