RMT Continues To Monitor 'Market Testing' At TfL Following Assurances

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd regarding TfL market testing. While this offers some reassurance that this is simply a ‘benchmarking activity’ and that no decision has been made to privatise the functions involved, we are well aware that ‘market testing’ is used to keep down pay, conditions and staffing in the public sector body as much as it is used to prepare for privatisation.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to ensure that this issue continues to be raised with TfL and developments monitored and placed in front of us.

RMT To Ballot If Signal Irregularities Aren't Fixed

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd, and note that pressure applied by this union appears to be making the company take this matter more seriously.

However, we do not accept that mitigations make this situation safe or acceptable, and insist on it being rectified.

Having spoken with our representative, we note that Thales is due to carry out a new ‘software drop’ over the first weekend in March. If this does not resolve the problem to the satisfaction of our representative, we will ballot our members for industrial action.

RMT Demands Free Travel For Licensed Taxi Drivers

We note the information on file regarding free and reduced travel facilities for employees of TfL and its subsidiaries and franchisees.

We note that we still need to collate information on these facilities for employees of contractors, as instructed in our previous decisions, and instruct the General Secretary to obtain this.

We note that the original resolution on this issue called for the provision of free travel facilities for licensed taxi drivers, and instruct the General Secretary to ensure that this demand is tabled to the relevant body.

Go Into Depots Or Sidings With Passengers On Board? Over Your Dead Body!

London Underground wants Bakerloo line drivers to drive out-of-service trains into depots and sidings without checking first that all passengers have got off the train.

This has resulted in over 3,000 passengers being carried into depots and sidings, many times more than on all other London Underground lines put together. On other lines, staff physically check the train is empty first.

UK Rail Fare Rip-off Breaks Lovers Hearts On Valentines’ Day

New Research by rail union RMT has found that French, Italian and Spanish lovers using high speed rail for a romantic city break will pay 245% less in rail fares than their UK counterparts.

Figures also show that whilst in the UK there has been a 20% increase in cost of using high speed rail (London to Paris) in the last three years, the cost of using of publicly owned European high speed rail is falling and by up to 37% in some instances.