What Does A Union Learner Rep Do?

For more information about Union Learner Reps in London speak with your branch secretary or contact Sharon Allen.

Interested in becoming a Union Learning Representative?

"RMT takes education very seriously and we know how education empowers people to become activists, to move on in their careers and take control in their personal lives. The ULR role is vital in supporting members in the workplace to take up worthwhile, enjoyable and sometimes life changing learning opportunities." - Bob Crow, General Secretary.

RMT Letter Of Support For Bob Carnegie Campaign

The RMT's General Secretary Bob Crow & President Peter Pinkney have written to the "Bob Carnegie Defence Campaign" to voice the unions solidarity with the campaign to get all charges against Bob Carnegie dropped.

Bob Carnegie faces several charges after organising a 'community protest' at a construction site in Australia. You can read details of the case on the campaign website here.

The Letter
The Secretary
Bob Carnegie Defence Campaign
Queensland Australia

WEA Course: Brush Up On Your ICT Skills

What will the course help me to do?
The course will help you:

  • Construct and format trade union newsletters, reports, flyers and posters, incorporating colour and graphics Use spread sheets to record and manage trade union data
  • Develop engaging presentations to communicate information to members or employers
  • Construct web-based surveys to gather information from union members
  • Share files with colleagues for collaborative work

Who is the course for?

RMT REJECTS use of ‘security personnel’ to resolve detrainment dispute

Click on "attachment" to download Bakerloo detrainment union notice. Main story follows.

The RMT and ASLEF Executives’ instruction from the start of the dispute

“to ensure that the carriages on their trains are physically checked and clear of passengers prior to going into sidings or depots. This is to be done either by appropriately-licensed LUL staff or by drivers themselves.”

Private security guards don’t count!

London Underground have stated in a letter to RMT and ASLEF that from Monday 11th of February

Revenue & Station Grades AGM February 28th 2013

The station grades AGM is on Thursday February 28 at 1430 at the Exmouth Arms, Starcross st, NW1. nearest stations Euston & Euston Sq

We will be electing; Chair & Secretary If you wish to stand for these positions please come and put your name forward

We are also having a Regional recruitment/organising day on the Jubilee South branch area. Meet at London Bridge at 1030 on 28/02/13

Please come and support these events. Its your union make sure you have your say.

In solidarity

3000 Signatures: One Minute Of Your Time To Save The Jobs Of 33 Of Your Workmates

Please click this link to take part in our online campaign calling on London Underground to offer permanent employment to the 33 staff left without work when the Trainpeople agency’s contract came to an end:

LabourStart Campaign

Thirty-three agency staff working on London Underground, some for as long as five years, were told just before Christmas that the contract with their agency, Trainpeople, had been ended, and that they would lose their jobs in January.