Undercover cop spied on RMT

Blacklist Support Group reveals photographic evidence of undercover police spying on RMT union

Photographic evidence shows that in October 2004 the spy cop was present at the industrial dispute following the sacking of the prominent union militant Steve Hedley (now elected as Senior Assistant General Secretary of the RMT union) at the Kings Cross terminal for the Channel Tunnel Rail Link .  

The presence of the police spy from the Met's disgraced Special Demonstration Squad was captured on camera by the freelance photographer Andrew Wiard.

Bakerloo News, June 2016

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for RMT members in the London Transport region's Bakerloo branch.

In this edition:

- New World Shambles
- Brumant, 1986 to 2016
- Justice for Cleaners
- Coming soon 'Fit for the Future Trains'
- CSA2's know your rights

Please download the attached newsletter to read it, and distribute it with your friends and colleagues.

Trains Functional update on Night Tube, 4 day week and recruitment freeze

Today (Tuesday 24th May) we had the latest in a series of meetings regarding Night Tube (NT) and the proposed trial 4 day, 36 hour week (4DW).
(Background - As part of our dispute resolution LUL agreed to look at trialling a 4DW on the Jubilee line. This was to be negotiated at a Company Council Trains Sub-Group (CCTSG) at the same time as we negotiated the introduction of NT and the long term reduction of weekend working, and the option for current drivers (TO21s) to work reduced hours.)
Night Tube

RMT Jubilee South Branch Meeting - 4 day week and Night Tube update

RMT Jubilee South branch meetings are held on pay day each month, at 1600 in a private room above the Blue Eyed Maid pub in Borough High Street. The closest tube station is London Bridge.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 8th of June.

Functional and Health & Safety Reps will be at our next branch meeting to give important updates and to take questions.

Come along to hear:

Upfront June 2016: RMT newsletter for London Underground train drivers

Upfront is the newsletter for London Underground tube drivers including industrial and health & safety news.  In this edition:

  • Disputes Rumbling Across Drivers’ Grade
  • ‘Fit for Future: Trains’ Fightback Prepared
  • Night Tube Update
  • Four Day Week Trial
  • PTI: Stay Safe
  • Signals known to have failed

Please download the newsletter to read it and distribute it amongst colleagues and friends.