Strike action to be considered over tube job cuts impact


Further to my previous Circular (IR/144/16, 19th May 2016), the following resolution has been received from Bakerloo Branch:-

“This Branch notes:

- The hugely detrimental effect of the “Fit for the Future” programme on our members’ working lives, including through a severe impact on work/life balance.

- LU’s plans for similar restructuring projects in other areas and functions, including trains.

National Shop Stewards Network -10th annual conference July 2

Unions are under threat. It’s no accident that the Tories announced their (anti) Trade Union Bill at the same time as they roll out yet more cuts. They fully understand that the unions, with 6 million members, can be a major obstacle to another austerity wave and the fight is on. Junior Doctors are striking and teachers are balloting against forced academies while steelworkers are increasingly calling for Tata to be nationalised.

An evening to commemorate Bro Leon Brumant. 23 June 1700 @ 12 Pins Finsbury Park

London Transport region have arranged an event to remember Bro. Leon Brumant at the 12 Pins Finsbury Park on Thursday June 23

We have struck a badge to commemorate Leon's fight for equality and justice for all

Please share the attached notice widely, print and distribute around your workplace.

All members welcome

Join RMT comrades at London LGBT Pride

This year we will be marching in London Pride, one of the world's largest LGBTI events. Not only are Pride marches a time of celebration for our LGBT community, but are an opportunity to promote the union and our campaigns. 

Pride marches are family friendly events and all members, whatever sexuality or gender/gender identity are welcome to join in. 

We encourage branches and regions to take their banners and support our LGBT members.

RMT in dispute with Interserve on London Underground over reorganisation

Further to my previous Circular (IR/144/16, 19th May 2016), a further meeting took place with the Company to discuss the reorganisation of Interserve’s LUL stations contract, which Interserve stated is due to an LUL directive which will affect all grades in Station Cleaning.

RMT day of action


Today, RMT members and other trade unionists from across the UK are protesting around the country leafleting passengers at railways stations to argue for a leave vote in the forthcoming EU referendum.

Transport workers will be joined by a range of trade unionists who will be arguing that it is a myth that the EU protects workers rights and instead that the EU is controlled by a corporate cabal that is pursuing an aggressive austerity and privatisation agenda.