RMT to take fight over tube cuts and privatisation direct to City Hall

TUBE UNION RMT will be taking the fight over tube cuts and privatisation direct to the front door of London Mayor Sadiq Khan at City Hall in a protest next week.

The protest - at 10am outside City Hall on Thursday 20th June - will demand No Tory Cuts Under A Labour Mayor and will shine a spotlight on planned privatisation and job cuts being cooked up by tube bosses under the cloak of their "Transformation Programme".

Marylebone Station Mess Room

Subject: Marylebone Station Mess Room

We note the correspondence from Bakerloo Line Branch and instruct the General Secretary to convene a meeting at Unity House of the SAGS, Lead Officer, RMT Health & Safety Officer.

Health & Safety Reps, and NEC particularly the Health & Safety Sub Committee at the earliest opportunity.  

Bakerloo Branch & Relevant Regional Council to be informed.



Ballot matrix of Interserve security members to be prepared


That we note the report from our Leads Officer regarding the draconian treatment suffered by our Security Guard members at the hands of Interserve.

We instruct the General Secretary to advise the company we are in dispute, to prepare a ballot matrix of our affected Interserve members and to organise consultation meetings with our members regarding our next steps forward.

Members to be advised by email & text.

RMT to ballot all ABM cleaner members for Strike Action


That we note the report from our Lead Officer following the meeting with our ABM union representatives; and that no movement on any of our matters raised have been addressed by the company. We therefore instruct the General Secretary to advise the company that we are in dispute over their failure to provide free staff travel, a company wide sick pay scheme
or decent company pension.

All members affected by Transformation to be balloted


That we note the report from our Lead Officer, the imposition from the company and the grave situation facing our members with the company riding roughshod over agreements and legal requirements.

We instruct the General Secretary to immediately ballot all affected members in London Underground including ex-Tube Lines members for Strike Action.

All affected members to be advised by email & text.

Affected branches & the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

Piccadilly Line lone working ballot announced


That we note the report from our Lead Officer and instruct the General Secretary to advise the company we are now in dispute and to ballot all affected Station Staff at
the Heathrow Group and Train Operators & Operator Instructors on the Piccadilly Line for Action Short of a Strike in the form of:

Jubilee South branch supports driver member facing unnecesary disciplinary action

RMT Jubilee South branch has unanimously voted in support of a motion that highlights the branch support for a Tube driver who is facing an unnecessary disciplinary process.  Branch members felt that the matter had been dealt with badly and that, as the motion states 'should [the driver] receive any penalty at disciplinary we will consider what further action we will take to defend and support this driver.'

RMT moves towards dispute as pay talks collapse

TUBE UNION RMT said today that it is moving into a ballot for strike action involving London Underground staff after crucial talks collapsed today with management refusing to offer any significant improvement to the pay and conditions of the workforce across the network.

Ballot preparations for 10,000 staff across all grades are now well advanced with the union saying it is angry and frustrated that a golden opportunity to come up with a positive offer has been blown by tube bosses today.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said: