26th November 2024
Dear RMT Member
Your RMT Lead Officer has now met with level 2 IR Reps from each LUL function to consider the offer received in respect of the above and the clarifications recently provided by the Company. For your ease of reference, the offer is as follows:
- A pay award of 3.8%, plus a flat rate consolidated increase of £450
- A minimum consolidated increase of £1,970
- This gives an average pay award of 4.6% and increases of up to 6.6% for lower paid members
- LUL's plans to impose banding, in the form of job families, onto spot salaries have been withdrawn
- Pay bands will move in line with the award so that members in banded pay ranges receive the offer in full, consolidated
- Management has dropped the claim to have discretion over who receives the pay award. The offer states that the award will be reflected in all employees' salaries
- An additional 5 days paid Paternity Leave (three weeks in total, backdated to 1st April)
- 3 years' protection of earnings to apply when a colleague is displaced or redeployed from a LU position to a TfL position due to medical reasons and moves onto a TfL contract.
- No medical POE previously existed from LUL to TfL
- Service in infracos or other entities subsequently brought into TfL will be recognised in relation to staff travel benefits for retirement purposes going forward
LUL has also indicated that it will table a proposal to restructure the working week, to include paid meal-relief for Train Operators. This would be conditional on reaching agreement with all parties (including RMT) to make other changes to working arrangements in order to deliver the proposal at zero cost to LUL. Any discussions would take place in a separate forum, following acceptance of the pay deal, and RMT will be in attendance at this forum. RMT will of course seek to secure any improvements in working arrangements that are possible, but not at the cost of unacceptable changes to agreements which already safeguard work life balance and fatigue mitigations. LUL's pay offer includes the option for any function to discuss a restructure to the working week.
The overwhelming position of your RMT negotiating team, which includes Reps from every function, was that the offer should be accepted and the National Executive Committee has taken the decision to inform London Underground of our acceptance of the pay offer, on the condition that it be accepted by all parties. The NEC has also instructed that a reduction of the working week is central to our 2025 pay submission.
I have advised the Company accordingly and asked that the increase, and backdated monies, are paid at the earliest opportunity.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Lynch
General Secretary
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