RMT in dispute with tube bosses over 'Tube Lines' machinery of negotiations changes


The Lead Officer recently submitted a report regarding LUL's intention to remove members from the TubeLines Machinery and place them into the MATS Council for the purpose of collective bargaining. This move follows the reorganisation of grades covered by both the LUL Machinery of Negotiation and also the TubeLines Machinery of Negotiation, but has not been agreed by RMT.

This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the decision to declare a dispute situation with the Company over this issue and to refer this matter to ACAS as the final stage of the machinery of negotiation. I have advised the Company accordingly that they cannot unilaterally change the rights of and scope of representation within our agreed machinery and that no imposed changes can take effect while this matter remains unresolved and pending ACAS discussions. I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.

Yours sincerely,