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RMT In Dispute With LUL Over Poor Guidelines Regarding Clearing Snow From Platforms

From General Secretary Bob Crow

I write to advise branches that a formal complaint has been made to LUL on the subject of snow clearing and winter weather. The RMT Stations Safety Council has raised this as an issue with the company without resolution and has now exhausted the machinery. The Stations Safety Council has raised the following items with the ORR and the company:

  • Insufficient local, practical training packages are available and have not been delivered to staff.
  • Risks assessments have not been undertaken or not reviewed across the majority of LUL stations.
  • Safe systems of work that have been developed have not taken into consideration either of the above two points.

I have written to LUL to advise them that this union considers itself to be in dispute with the company and calling on them to arrange urgent talks to resolve this issue; your representatives are available to discuss these matters with the company. Should these talks be unsuccessful I would urge members in the effected grades to support any consequent ballot the union may pursue.