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The following resolution has been received from Piccadilly & District West Branch:-
“This branch notes the recent attack by drunk passengers on a member of night tube at T5 and the failure to attend by BTP. This is typical of termini stations where drunken passengers have to be woken to leave trains but not solely at termini stations.
We also note this is not the first incident of an attack on a lone working night tube member and is a sorry indictment of LU's lack of protection and support for lone workers employed to work night tube only.
This branch calls on the National Executive Committee to declare a dispute of all night tube staff at T5 including night tube train operators unless the following is implemented:
1. BTP presence on Friday and Saturday nights
2. End lone working at T5
3. No overcarrying of passengers into T5 sidings”.
This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the decision to arrange an urgent meeting of our Night Tube IR and H&S Representatives, Piccadilly & District West Branch Officers, the Lead Officer, Senior Assistant General Secretary and members of the NEC in attendance.
I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep Branches advised of all further developments.
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