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Consultation with our representatives has taken place since London Underground tabled its “full and final offer”, which I advised you of in a previous circular (Ref: IR/465/19, 15th November 2019).
To remind you, the offer tabled at that time was as follows:
· Year 1 - 2.7% (RPI Feb 2019 +0.2%)
· Year 2 - 1.4% plus 30 minute reduction in working week (three banked rest days - target implementation date: mid 2020)
· Year 3 - RPI Feb 2021 +0.2%
· Year 4 - 1.4% plus further 30 minute reduction in working week (three further banked rest days)
The unanimous view of representatives who attended a meeting to discuss this matter at the time was to reject and this view was endorsed by your National Executive Committee. Further discussions took place between your union and the company and management subsequently tabled the above offer again but also offered an alternative of a four-year deal of RPI plus 0.2% in each year but with no reduction in working time.
Further consultations were held with Level 1 reps and the view was to reject and commence a ballot of all members, which was again endorsed by your NEC. The balloted opened on Friday 6th March and will close on Tuesday 31st March. The ballot asks two questions: Strike Action and Action Short of a Strike in the form of members not to familiarise any member of staff at any location where that person would not normally work.
In taking the decision to ballot, your NEC noted the determination of our reps and members on LUL to fight for a pay deal that both protects real pay levels and addresses issues of fatigue and excessive working hours. Your NEC has also instructed me to provide all possible resources to ensure that we have the best possible opportunity to deliver a YES vote that meets the legal thresholds on both questions.
I will of course keep members fully advised of all further developments during this ballot and when the ballot closes.
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