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RMT Stations Functional Council (SFC) reps have become aware that some L1 Reps on at least two lines have been asked to attend meetings with local and line managers to discuss LU's plans for the future organisation of station staffing.
There has been no formal consultation at any level over this issue and it is a clear breech of our agreed machinery of negotiation for LU to take the matter staright to L1.
SFC reps have asked for information about LU's plans at full council and we have been told that any consultation will go first to Company Council and then to SFC. Now it appears they want to avoid this process and put their ideas to members without going through the proper machinery.
If you are L1 rep and you asked to attend any meeting of this type, formal or informal, you should speak to a SFC rep before you agree to attend.
SFC Rep contact numbers:
Mick Crossey 07931 570521
Mac McKenna 07801 071363
John Reid 07748760261
Jared Wood 07739 869867
Neil Cochrane 07834 117509
Eamonn Lynch 07748 933241
- Jared's blog
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