
Minutes: Stations & Revenue Grades Committee Meeting 7th April 2010

Agenda: 1. Minutes from previous meeting 3rd March 2010 2. Standing Orders 3. Election of third contact for Staff our Stations Campaign 4. Membership lists (change to agenda agreed by members present) 5. Recruitment and retention Plan 6. Standing Items: Stations & Revenue Council Report, Local Reports, Stations and Revenue H&SReport.

Three Thousand, Four Hundred And Eighty Six Reasons To Have Fully Staffed Ticket Offices

TfL have finally listed ticket fares on their website.

There are 3,486 variations.

If London Underground has it's way, customers will be left to figure out how much money they need to put on their Oyster Cards at ticket machines.

World class service from a world class ticket machine? Not when there are no staff to refill the machine there isn't.

Shot At From Both Sides.

The pre Xmas shooting gallery that was QPK SB is now the subject of a LIR (local investigation report)
As welcome as this report is, it should be remembered that no blame is ever apportioned from any such investigation.
Any “errors” will be “lessons learned”
Funny, when we commit “errors” we receive “draconian punishments”
Fair & Consistent?
You decide.

Who Are Ya???

Most T/Ops would be of the opinion fully uniformed staff, in full LUL regalia would be properly trained, properly licensed and fully qualified.
Seems that on the Wembley Group it ain`t necessarily so!
Agency staff, which look the same, talk, walk and act the same, but with far inferior training are now expected to bowl up to drivers and assist with “emergency” situations.

The Bakerloo Line Hokey Cokey

Great headline. Crap idea.
In an unprecedented show of common sense, the higher echelons of Team Bakerloo have finally voted off this ridiculous notion of cutting the High Tone Whistle in /out in / out etc etc when entering/leaving the depot at Stonebridge Park.
The 137 decibels this whistles generates is enough to deafen the poor old workers it’s meant to protect.

Kenton One-Under. An Update

At the hastily arranged ad hoc meeting on Tuesday to discuss our concerns the “heroic” actions of the agency staff were mentioned by the management team of Messrs Smith, Senior, Cullen and Toplis. They were of the opinion a commendation was in order. We countered with its not a commendation she should receive, it’s a full time job she should be awarded with. With LUL. With the requisite pay increase. And with full and adequate training to be able to carry out the important tasks necessary of a station worker.