
Trip Cock Test Farce On The Bakerloo Line

Bakerloo line drivers were subject to what can only be described as keystone cops style of management during the first day of this weekend’s shutdown.
Seemingly making it up on the hoof, management instructed drivers to keep trains in service even when failing the trip cock tester.
Apparently the requirement for a second person in the cab was sufficient to run a safe railway.
This goes against all the basic principles we are taught when joining LUL!

Report: RMT Annual General Meeting

AGMRMT's Annual General Meeting took place in the Isle of Man at the start of July. The delegates from London Transport region were: Bill Teale (LU Fleet branch), Bob Law (Jubilee South and East London Line branch), Brian Munro (Bakerloo line branch), Glenroy Watson (Finsbury Park branch), Janine Booth (Stratford no.1 branch), Linda Wiles (TfL no.1 branch), Mick Crossey (Camden 3 branch), Paul O'Brien (LU Engineering branch), Vaughan Thomas (Central Line West branch).

RMT Sets The Pace - Letter Morning Star 20th Aug. 2009

It was great to see the Morning Star headline Stunning victory for Tube workers (August 19), but, as your editorial made clear, this victory only concerns the workforce covered by the RMT who were willing to fight for their terms and conditions.

Other trade unions who have sat back are now left out of this agreement.

The same scenario is taking place in the TfL side of the dispute, but unfortunately also concerns the members of the RMT in this area.

Is the Dispute resolved? LUL thinks so, RMT members dont know?!

RMT's London Transport Region Membership were surprised and confused as to what is actually going on with regards to the LUL Dispute.

One moment our membership are getting circulars from Bob Crow regarding a 'Major win over 1000 redundancies' completly forgetting about our TfL Members

Next we get a Circular from Gerry Duffy, informing us, that our dispute is resolved! which i very much doubt it is, but i would be nice once in a while to hear it from our leadership RATHER than the bosses.

A Delegate's Report from RMT AGM

This is my personal report on the RMT AGM, which has also been published in 'Solidarity' newspaper, and on Stroppyblog.

Rail and transport union RMT held its annual general meeting from 28 June to 2 July, against a backdrop of employers attacking jobs and conditions across the industry.

The AGM was unanimously determined to resist these attacks. However, thousands of job cuts are going ahead, several strike ballots have been voted down, and it was not entirely clear how the union plans to turn this situation around.

Day For Dobbo !!

Support Kevin

Ballot papers have now gone out with regard to Kevin Dobinson’s sacking. As you know Kevin was sacked for an aggravated SPAD that he owned up to. Drivers on the line were shocked at the severity of Kevin’s punishment, most thinking that at worse Kevin would have been dipped for what he did. This has led to rumours that Kevin’s past record most have been a factor in his sacking. This is not so. Kevin has never had an aggravated SPAD before, or indeed any other serious safety incident.

RMT AGM: Young Members Resolutions

In February of this year, the National Young Members Conference submitted two resolutions to the AGM.

I'm pleased to announce that both resolutions were carried unanimously and that they are now union policy

They were:

WHEN I'M 64 "As the government continues to increase the age at which our members will be entitled to; or be able to afford to retire this union notes the importance of defending our members' occupational pensions from further erosion by the government and business fat cats.

RMT AGM: Stop the Sickness Bullies

At RMT's AGM, I proposed this resolution on behalf of Stratford no.1 branch. Lots of delegates spoke in favour of the resolution, telling stories of management abuse of sick staff in their company and/or area. This relates strongly to one of the three issues of our current Jobs Pay and Justice dispute. The resolution was passed unanimously. This is the text of my speech.

Across our industry, employers are clamping down on sickness absence.