London Underground Ltd

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News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

London Underground Job Cuts - ACAS Review Update

Your representatives report ...

Meetings so far have worked on separating the health and safety issues from the industrial relations issues which are contained within the collective grievances. This process took up until 12pm on Friday 14 January, after which reps and managers were due to sort out the timeframes to deal with the industrial relations content in the colective grievances.

Asbestos Contamination, Central Line (East End)

RMT General Grades Committee decision ...

That we note the absence of a reply from London Underground on this matter. We instruct the General Secretary to urgently contact the company demanding a reply.

We also seek the views of the relevant branch, Stratford no.1, on how this matter should be pursued, and instruct the General Secretary to place this matter back in front of the GGC once those views have been received.


From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow:

I write to advise members of the latest situation in our dispute with London Underground over their planned job cuts. Many of you may have today seen the totally false reports made by the BBC that RMT had decided not to call strike action in January. Please be assured that this statement is totally false and your Executive continues to deliberate on the way forward. Nothing has been ruled in or ruled out at this stage.

The General Grades Committee has today met to discuss the dispute and the following decision has been taken: -

London Underground Job Cuts - the fight continues

RMT's General Grades Committee has today taken the following decision:

That we note the views of our representatives freely expressed at the meeting on 20th December in the Indian YMCA Hall.

We further note the report from our Regional Organiser.

The General Secretary is instructed to liaise with our sister union and make clear to our members and LU Management that unless real progress is achieved on this issue we may name further days of industrial action in support of a safe working system and in defence of jobs.

The General Secretary is further instructed to continue our campaign in the media and by other means to highlight the increasing risks to safety created by understaffing and at time non-staffing on stations and other jobs on the system.

Earlier this week, RMT's Council of Executives agreed to make dispute payments to members in the event of further strike action in the LU Job Cuts dispute.

Poster: The Two-Faced Twins?

nick cleggboris johnson
Click '1 attachment' / file name to download a poster supporting both our campaign against job cuts and students' campaign against fees and cuts. The poster highlights Nick Clegg's pre-election pledge to vote against fee rises and Boris Johnson's pre-election pledge to oppose ticket office cuts and closures, and lists several ways in which people can support the campaigns.

London Underground Rejects RMT Offer of Binding Arbitration on Ticket Office Opening Criteria

London Underground has refused RMT's offer of binding arbitration on the issue of how the company decides whether a ticket office should be open. Currently, LU has a ticket office open at times when it sells more than 15 tickets per hour. This is already higher than the rail industry standard, and the London TravelWatch recommended figure, of 12 ticekts per hour - LU plans to double the criterion to 30 tickets per hour. Astonishingly, LU seems to believe that a ticket office selling 29 tickets in an hour - as well as resolving ticket problems, giving information and helping customers in other ways - is not busy enough to warrant staying open.

LU Job Cuts Dispute - latest official circular

From Bob Crow, General Secretary

Firstly I would like to congratulate all London Underground members for the solid strike action that recently took place on 29th and 30th November. Management are under no illusion of the strength of feeling over these dangerous and unnecessary cuts.

Over the course of the last week, the General Grades Committee has met twice to discuss the current dispute with London Underground over their dangerous plans for job cuts and the following decision was taken: -

Transport Commisioner Peter Hendy Guardian Interview

Transport For London's commissioner Peter Hendy was recently interviewed by Dave Hill for The Guardian.

In the interview Hendy says that TFL will be facing cuts in its budget of 21% over the next few years. Future job losses are discussed with Hendy foreseeing that "The other thing you take a hit on is the cost of running the place. We will be doing less in some areas, so we will need less people to do it"

tube strike

Steve Hedley Tube strike thanks everyone who complained

got a right to reply on london tonight about 12 minutes in still not great but better than before Full Programme Repeat | London Tonight - ITV Local Watch Full Programme Repeat of London Tonight (ITV London). Includes Regional News and Weather for London from London Tonight - ITV Local