London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT Denounces LU's Ban on Regional Organiser

That we note the unjust conviction of our London Transport Regional Organiser. This conviction is a clear miscarriage of justice and an attack on our union; by London Underground's own admission, it resulted from an incident that took place while Brother Hedley was carrying out his union activities.

We further note that London Underground has seized on this situation to ban our Regional Organiser from its premises and even to demand that this union allocate duties to our Regional Organiser which prevent him having any contact with any LU employees, which includes thousands of our members.

RMT Defends LU Stations Reps Numbers

RMT General Grades Committee decision about London Underground Machinery of Negotiation and Consutlation:

“We note that following the job- cutting OSP, which reduced the number of Station groups from 42 to 37, London Underground management has unilaterally declared a reduction in the number of RMT representatives. Their action in doing so is completely outside the agreed processes.

The Machinery of Negotiation and Consultation states that:

Finsbury Park Monthly News - March 2011

Click on the attachment below to download the March edition of Monthly News.

In this edition:

Support our Victimised Reps - How Arwyn Thomas and Eammon Lynch were stitched up by the company and why we need to be prepared to strike to ensure their reinstatement;

Safety Breakdown on Victoria Line - Monthly News explains the consequences of the failure of Victoria Line management to consult with the unions on safety issues, and why drivers should vote 'YES' for action short of a strike in the forthcoming ballot;

Electronic Communications - London Underground

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the correspondence from London Underground notifying us of changes to the ‘Guidelines for the use of LUL electronic facilities’.

We object to the fact that LU has made changes to these guidelines without consultation with this union, and instruct the General Secretary to write to the company accordingly.

We refer this matter to our Southern Sub-Committee for examination and report.

London Underground: RMT Pay Claim 2011

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download RMT's pay claim submitted to London Underground. The first section, the text of which is below, is also being submitted by TSSA and Unite. We hope that this united approach from three of LU's unions will improve our prospects of securing an acceptable offer.

1. A substantial pay award in a one-year deal

LU Job Cuts - Health and Safety Confidential Reporting Line

The circular below is from Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary. Please use the reporting line he outlines to tell the union about any incidents at work which concern you, or which illustrate the effect of the OSP job cuts. Perhaps you are station staff and want to report assault or abuse from passengers unhappy with the reduced service, or a station evacuation that took too long because of under-staffing, or your station having too few staff available to give adequate help to a disabled or vulnerable passenger.

Update: London Underground Job Cuts

New Stations Rosters - Minus Jobs!

London Underground’s new stations rosters - minus hundreds of jobs - are due to come in on 6 February. Staff will be expected to work even more anti-social hours with staffing levels so low that stations will struggle to cope. Ticket offices will be open for significantly shorter hours, causing huge extra workload for staff in the ticket hall and elsewhere around the station - and yet, despite LU’s claims, their numbers are being cut too.

RMT Denounces LU's Sacking of Another Rep

Extract from the RMT General Grades Committee's decision on Wednesday 19 January, the day that London Underground sacked our Green Park group rep, Peter Hartshorn ...

We are disgusted to hear that London Underground has summarily dismissed our representative Peter Hartshorn on trumped up charges of swearing at a manager despite witnesses stating otherwise. The alleged incident took place while Peter was carrying out trade union duties and it is clear that the company has victimised him for his activities as a representative of this union.