London Underground Ltd

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News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Regional Organiser's April Report

RMT rejects London Underground pay offer

This year we put in a joint pay claim with Unite and Tssa (aslef were asked to join us but declined.) RMT, TSSA and Unite are meeting on Thursday 28th April to discuss our next joint positions (once again
Aslef were invited but declined.) RMT formally rejected London Underground's pay offer which was a five year deal. A 4 percent pay deal this year when inflation is 5.5 percent and inflation plus 0.25 percent for the next four years. We will be seeking more talks on pay and I will keep you informed of all progress made.

Finsbury Park Monthly News - April 2011

Click on the attachment below to download April's Monthly News.

In this edition:

PICCADILLY BOSSES TRIAL ‘OPEN DOORS’ POLICY! - How did a set of doors open on their own on a moving train? Why did management fail to alert drivers to the incident, leaving our Safety reps to do the job for them?

COMPANY OFFERS PAY CUT - We are the 'Metro of the Year', yet the company offers us a deal which will cut our pay in real terms.


RMT Calls For Direct Talks After 24 Hours Of Tube Hell And Demands End To Job And Maintenance Cuts

Tube union RMT today called for direct talks between the Mayor, unions and passenger groups, and demanded an immediate halt to tube jobs and maintenance cuts, after what the union described as “24 hours of tube hell.”

On Tuesday night the Jubilee Line was plunged into chaos through a combination of a power shutdown and faulty rolling stock and operating systems leaving over 1700 passengers to be detrained and walked through sweltering tube tunnels with the assistance of station staff. By Wednesday morning, the Jubilee Line was still in total disarray.

London Underground pay

The following emergency resolution to the April meeting of the Regional Council was passed unanimously:

This Region is appalled by London Underground's below-inflation, five-year pay 'offer', with no commitment to improving conditions. Our union must reject this insult, and fight as effectively as possible for a much better, preferably one-year offer.

LU Makes Five-Year, Below-Inflation Pay Offer

London Underground today told the unions its pay offer. It is a five-year offer, of a 4% pay rise this year and a rise of RPI+0.25% in the four following years.

London Underground pay settlements are based on the February RPI figure. In February, RPI was 5.5%.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow has described the offer as "disappointing", and confirmed that the union's executive will be discussing it soon. I represent you on RMT's executive, so please let me know your views by emailing

District Line Closed for Rush Hour on Day Mayor Promises to Sort Tube


On the day that Boris Johnson announced that he is going to sort the tube out for the Olympics the Mayor has been hit by a massive embarrassment as the entire service on the busy District Line stretch from Earls Court down to Wimbledon is closed this afternoon in advance of rush hour.

TFL are blaming emergency engineering works. An earlier stalled train at Putney Bridge took 80 minutes to de-train due to a shortage of staff.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

TfL Unions Oppose Plan to "Streamline" Job-Cutting Process

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the report from our Regional Organiser. We oppose TfL’s attempt to streamline its OCP policy in order to make it easier to make redundancies due to funding cuts.

We note that all unions have agreed to reject management’s proposal to deal with this at a joint meeting at Company Council level, and instruct the General Secretary to write to TfL/LUL accordingly; the reply to be placed in front of us.

London Underground Withdraws Uniform Vouchers

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the correspondence from London Underground announcing that it is withdrawing uniform cleaning vouchers. We strongly object to the fact that once again, this employer has declared a change in policy without adequate advance consultation with us. We agree with our Regional Organiser’s view that LUL should table this issue for discussion at the Company Council, as it affects staff in all uniformed grades. We instruct the General Secretary to write to London Underground accordingly, requesting that uniform cleaning vouchers continue to be issued to staff until adequate consultation has taken place. Should LU not agree to discuss the matter at Company Council, we agree to refer this matter to ACAS.

We instruct the General Secretary to obtain a detailed report on the impact of this change on our members, assessing whether the £100 tax allowance really does adequately compensate our members for the withdrawal of the vouchers as the company claims or whether it in practice leaves our members worse off financially. This report to be completed and placed back in front of us within 14 days.