Bob Crow's branch (LU Engineering branch)

lueng banner

Includes engineering staff of all grades employed by Metronet, TubeLines and contractors. The LUL Engineering branch has a website here and is on Facebook here




Protection Staff pay meeting called


That we note the report from the Lead Officer, and instruct the General Secretary to arrange an urgent meeting between the workplace representatives, the Lead Officer, Senior Assistant General Secretary and members of the NEC in attendance.

Members to be advised by email & text.

Bob Crow’s Branch and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

Meeting called over breach of agreement in SSL Point Care Signalling Department


That we note the decision from the 2019 RMT AGM regarding the breach of agreements; and instruct the General Secretary to arrange a meeting as soon as possible between the Bob Crow’s Branch Secretary; appropriate workplace representatives, members of the Track & Signals Functional Council, the Lead Officer, Senior Assistant General Secretary and members of the NEC in attendance.

Bob Crow’s Branch & the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

Massive vote for strike action in train prep ballot

Nine to one vote for strike action by over a thousand key London Underground staff

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that over a thousand key London Underground maintenance and engineering staff have voted by around nine to one for both strike action and action short of a strike in a dispute over the hacking back of train preparation and inspection schedules which the union warns would have a devastating impact on both service reliability and public safety.

The staff work at tube fleet maintenance depots right across Greater London.

More Transformation Announced

On Monday 18th March, RMT reps from several Functional Councils (MATS, Service Control, Engineering, Fleet) were told that plans for further reorganisation on London Underground would begin on Monday 25th March. We were not given any further information until yesterday (21st March) when we were invited to attend a large number of staff briefings in different areas of the company.

LU Pay Talks Update

The third day of London Underground pay talks took place yesterday (Wednesday 13th March). RMT Regional Organiser, John Leach, attended with reps from the seven Functional Councils RMT has recognition on. The company had previously asked us to remove a number of items from our pay claim before they would make us a financial offer. We refused this request and returned yesterday to continue to engage in meaningful talks with the company. There were discussions about improving staff travel facilities and also around our demand for a 32 hour, 4 day working week.

Strike dates named in defence of brother Codd


That we note that no progress has been made with the company, who have not made any reasonable offer to settle this dispute but are continuing with their vindictive
stitch-up against Bro Codd.

Accordingly; we instruct all members to take strike action by not booking on for shifts commencing between:

  • 19.00hrs on Sunday 30 th December and 18.59hrs on Monday 31 st December 2018.

Members to be advised by email and text.

Cleshar and Morson members to be balloted over pay


That we note the resolution from our LU Engineering Branch regarding the unsatisfactory rate of pay for members working in Cleshars Ltd and Morsons
International; and that both companies are acting in concert to deny our members a pay rise.

We applaud our members will to address this through Industrial Action, and accordingly instruct the General Secretary to advise both Cleshars and Morsons we
are now in dispute and to:

Sacked for Doing His Job - Warning to anyone who does LDIs

Please print the attached notice and share with all members


Anthony Codd has worked for LUL for over 35 years. He was a n Operational grade Q1A Duty Manager working in the Track Access Control Centre (TACC) before being, what we believe, unfairly summarily dismissed at a CDI in August 2018. 

An incident occurred back in January 2018, where a Track Access Controller (TAC) made an error that could have potentially endangered staff working on the track. This was, at the time, bought to the attention of Mr Codd who was the TACC Duty Manager on duty that night. 

Redundancy threat on Balfour Beatty

Subject: redundancies, lul contract – balfour beatty

We note the correspondence on file and the serious threats to our members from redundancy and refer this matter into our Southern Sub Committee for examination and report.

LU Engineering Branch and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

TfL Pensions Fund Elections

TfL Pensions Fund Elections


Elections for the pensions Consultative committee


It’s that time again when there are elections for staff representatives to sit on the pensions committee to keep an eye on our money.


The voting paperwork is now out and the main thing is we need to get the right people on there with the experience and knowledge to look after our money in the proper way, and to keep an eye on what LUL and the government are trying to do with our fund.