Jobs/Pay/Justice Dispute

Starting in March 2009, RMT's industrial action campaign for decent pay, against job cuts, and to stop management persecuting staff and breaking their own policies

Why RMT is Balloting for Industrial Action

From Steve Hedley, Regional Organiser

Dear brothers sisters and comrades

We are facing several attacks from the employers right now and we have had requests for strike ballots on no compulsory redundancies, pay, breaking of agreements and failure to carry out meaningful consultation. Having discussed the issues the Council of Executives has agreed that a ballot will be conducted on LUL and coordinated with a ballot on TfL.The issues for the LUL ballot are:

Notes from LTRC Executive 10/3/09

Attendance: Janine Booth, Vaughan Thomas, Josie Toussaint-Pinnock, Dean O'Hanlon, Carol Foster, Becky Crocker, Steve Hedley, Olly New, Clara Osageide

Apologies: Brian Haughian, Andy Littlechild, Malcolm Taylor, Joanne Parry, Linda Wiles, Paul Putland, Paul Jackson, Dave Rayfield, Brian Munro, Unjum Mirza, Glenroy Watson, Frank Curtis

CORRESPONDENCE Various correspondence noted and passed round. Agreed to: - arrange for new banner to be made - circularise branches asking if they have banners and recommending that they do!

Metronet Redundancies

This emergency resolution, submitted by LU Fleet branch, was passed unanimously by the February meeting of the Regional Council.

This Branch calls upon the RMT Executive to call a strike ballot of all members in Metronet (London Underground) if the following demand is not met.

We require a written guarantee from Metronet (London Underground) that they recognise and accept that we have a no compulsory redundancy agreement under the PPP Code of Practice and therefore will not impose any compulsory redundancies on Metronet (London Underground) staff.

Metronet & LUL Pay and Conditions

This emergency resolution from LU Engineering branch was passed unanimously at the February meeting of the Regional Council.

"This branch notes that now Metronet have been brought back into TfL that there is a concerted effort to crush the RMT and end its hard fought agreements. This has involved:

· Attempts to sack/ discipline our reps

· Refusal to talk about pay. We believe that this is based on a deliberate tactic by the bosses in the face falling RPI figures.

· The use of Private Covert Security Teams to monitor staff

Request for Ballot

This resolution, proposed by TfL no.1 branch, was passed unanimously by the February Regional Council meeting.

This branch believes that TfL/LUL are jumping on the bandwagon of the recession, using it as an excuse to cut jobs. If we let the company get away with cutting admin/non operational grades, it will set a precedent, and have a double negative effect. A) it will make everyone’s life harder as all admin jobs are vital to the safe operating of the railway and the care of the employees themselves and B) it will make it easier for them to slash operational jobs.

'RMT London Calling' February 2009: Decent Pay, Secure Jobs ... and Open The Books!

The new issue of the 'RMT London Calling' newsletter sets out the case for a fightback in defence of jobs, for a decent pay rise, and that LUL/TfL should open their books to scrutiny by unions, as well as reporting on various issues around the region.

Click on '1 attachment'/file name to download it.

Pay and the Economic Crisis: Answering the Arguments

"But other workers are losing their jobs."

Yes, and those workers could be our partners, sons, daughters or other dependants. If they lose their jobs, they will rely on our incomes more than ever.

Workers within TfL face job losses too. If we accept an inadequate pay deal, this will not protect our jobs: rather it will encourage management to attack them.

"But LUL/TfL has no money."

RMT's Pay Claim



I write to confirm that a common claim for improvements to rates of pay and conditions of service in 2009 was formally lodged with all of the above employers last week. The basis of the claim is as follows:

  • A substantial increase in rates of pay for all grades and additional protection for the lowest paid grades in the form of a minimum salary of £26,000
  • Improved travel facilities for non-safeguarded employees