Industrial action

When negotiations fail, RMT members take action

Heathrow Express Workers Vote Overwhelmingly To Strike

Massive vote for strike action on pay, jobs, cuts and Driver Only Operation on Heathrow Express
RAIL UNION RMT today announced that staff have voted by huge majorities across Heathrow Express for industrial action in response to a package of multi-million pound cuts which amount to an all-out assault on pay, jobs and safety.

The strike vote was almost nine to one with an even bigger majority for action short of a strike. The results will now be considered by RMT’s executive.

RMT Members on London Underground To take 5 Days Strike Action

RMT Members on London Underground are to take five days strike action, split over two weeks, in reaction to London Underground bosses continued threat to cut hundreds of jobs.

"As a result of the disgraceful outcome of the talks at ACAS and the breach of trust between ourselves and the company we agree that further strike action and action short of strike action is absolutely necessary to further this union’s central objectives to defend the job and protect the travelling public. Accordingly we instruct all our members, excluding Fleet staff, not to book on for any shifts that commence between:-

London Transport Region Update For April 2014

  1. General Secretary election
    Following the tragic death of Bob Crow, RMT has announced the timetable for the election of a new General Secretary. Following some months during which union branches will nominate candidates, members will vote by postal ballot between 21 July and 22 September 2014.

    More information here:

Be Prepared To Strike

Dear RMT reps/activists

Please see attached some new flyers for distribution to London Underground members. The purpose of these is to ensure that members know that we will probably need to strike again and that they are ready for this; that non-members are encouraged to join and be part of the fight; and to step up pressure on LUL management.

Printed copies will be available at the Regional Council Executive meeting next Tuesday and after that from Unity House.

RMT Prepares For Sodexo Ballot To Defend Dismissed Brother Petrit

From RMT Senior Assistant General Secretary Mick Cash


I write to advise branches that our representative Brother Petrit Mihaj has been dismissed by the Sodexo. The General Grades Committee believes this sacking by Sodexo is due to victimisation for his trade union activities. I have advised the company that we are in dispute over this issue, and that we intend to ballot members concerned for industrial action in order to achieve justice for Brother Mihaj.

Unacceptable Pay Offer Could Lead To Balfour Beatty Strike

From RMT Senior Assistant General Secretary Mick Cash

rates of pay & Conditions of service 2014 – Balfour Beatty (Ruislip) (LUL/0001/BBR)

Branches are advised that following talks with the company for Improved Rates of Pay and Conditions for 2014, the company offered an increase of 2.6% which is unacceptable to our representatives.

Waterloo & City Industrial Action Causes Line Closure

From RMT Senior Assistant General Secretary Mick Cash

Further to my circular (IR/37/14) dated 23rd January 2014,branches will recall that our Service Control members on the Waterloo and City Line are taking industrial action short of strike action over the union’s legitimate and reasonable demand for re-grading. I can advise branches that this action is holding firm and that on one occasion the Waterloo & City Line had to close due to lack of cover.

Train System Tech Members To Be Balloted Over Unacceptable Pay Offer

From RMT Senior Assistant General Secretary Mick Cash

Further to my previous circular IR/729/13 dated 18th December 2013, branches will be aware that following the referendum, members overwhelmingly rejected the 2013 pay offer. Whilst your union welcomed the move from individual contracts to collective bargaining, your union remains of the view that this offer was unacceptable as, for some members; the offer represented a below-inflation pay rise.

ISS Tube Members Meeting Called Ahead Of Strike Ballot

Ahead of this ballot, we have organised a meeting of members to discuss this dispute and you are all invited to attend to have your say on this important issue.



Thursday 6th March 2014 at 2.30pm
Thompsons Conference Suite
TUC Congress House, Great Russell Street, London, WC1B 3LS

In attendance, RMT Executive member and Assistant General Secretary

Please check in at TUC Reception where you will be directed to the 6th floor meeting room

TfL Members To Cease Training Of Agency Workers

Further to my previous correspondence, I would like to congratulate you for supporting your union and taking industrial action, in defence of your pension. This attack on your pension is clearly intolerable and represents the future strategy of TfL management and is a threat to all members in the pension fund regardless of company or grade.

In order to put pressure on the company your Executive committee after consulting with your representatives has decided to call the following industrial action:-