Industrial action

When negotiations fail, RMT members take action

Victoria Line Drivers Balloted For Strike Over Range Of Grievances

Tube union RMT confirmed today that train crew members on the Victoria Line are to be balloted for strike action over a range of grievances that amount to a total breakdown in industrial relations:

  • Forcing Drivers to work overtime. Drivers being made to start a duty which would result in them working beyond their finishing time.
  • Failing to hold meetings requested by members such as flexible working requests, grievance hearings, and disciplinary appeal hearings.
  • Trying to conduct meetings without the full level 1 rep in attendance.

Central Line Breakdown in industrial Relations

A meeting took place on August 1st, between RMT Officials, RMT Central Line Representatives and senior LU management in an attempt to avert a ballot of all Central Line drivers due a breakdown in industrial relations on the line.

Relations between management and your industrial and safety representatives have worsened over the past 18 months or so until it has got to the stage where your union firmly believe that the Central Line management is out of control.

Senior Central Line managers seem to believe that LU policies and procedures, the Health and Safety at

Boris Bike Ballot Result - Solid Yes Vote For Strike

That we note the result of the ballot for strikes is as follows:-

Total Votes Cast 44
Number Voting ‘Yes’ 44
Number Voting ‘No’ 0
Spoilt Papers 0

That we note the result of the ballot for action short of strikes is as follows:-

Total Votes Cast 44

Number Voting ‘Yes’ 43
Number Voting ‘No’ 0
Spoilt Papers 1

We congratulate our members on their determination to fight for a better deal for this badlytreated workforce.

RMT London Underground Bulletin - Sack The Agency Not The Workers

RMT has produced a newsletter on agency working, describing the numerous issues with being employed by an agency, why that suits the bosses, and how it risks the jobs of workers on permanent contracts.

In this newsletter:

  • Sack the agencies - not the workers
  • The harsh facts about agencies
  • Justice for the Trainpeople 33
  • Bring All Agency Trackworkers Into Permanent Direct Lu In-house Employment!
  • Halting the spread of agency work

RMT Pledge All Out Fight To Save Conductor Jobs On London Overground

Rail union RMT today pledged an all out fight, including the use of strike action, following the bombshell announcement that over a hundred guards on London Overground will be kicked off the trains and sacked within the year in the first tranche of multi million pound spending cuts on London's transport services in the wake of the Government spending review.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said;

Strike Ballot For 'Boris Bike' Workers

TRANSPORT UNION RMT confirmed today that it is to ballot staff running the London “Boris Bike’s” for both strike action and action short of a strike over a range of grievances:

· The imposition of a 2% pay increase for 2013

· The imposition of shift change patterns

· The continuous bullying and harassment of members

· The company’s refusal to reach a formal agreement on travelling time or on travel allowances

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

London Transport Mitie Engineers And Electricians Take Industrial Action

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that electricians and engineers working for contractors Mitie on the TFL contract are to take strike action and action short of a strike in a dispute over redundancies and unilateral changes to working conditions.

Members are instructed as follows:

Not to book for any duties staring on or after 00:01 hours on Monday 3rd June 2013 returning to work for duties starting on or after 00:01 hours on Tuesday 4th June 2013.
Furthermore members are also instructed to take the following industrial action short of strike action as outlined below: -

Piccadilly Line Dispute Latest

Referring to decision GWW 21st May 2013. The meeting has now taken place and we note the report from our Regional Organiser regarding the substantial progress made and that the recommendation of our negotiating team is that we should regard this dispute resolved due to the following points:

SPAD Policy

URGENT - Join Our Demo Against STM Lockout Of Strikers

Agency STM has 'locked out' its workers, without pay, for taking industrial action against management bullying. RMT asks you to give your full support to our members and join an urgent protest about the outrageous persecution.

DEMONSTRATE outside the headquarters of London Overground Rail Operations Ltd (just outside Swiss Cottage tube station) on Monday 20 May at 0900hrs.