Attendance and discipline

Management's discipline and attendance policies - and the way they use them to mistreat staff

Review Of Disciplinary And Grievance Procedure – London Underground

We note the resolution from our London Transport Regional Council, and the proof that has emerged
that People Management Advice Specialists (PMAs) have interfered in the issuing of disciplinary
sanctions against our members employed by London Underground Ltd in breach of the LUL
disciplinary procedure and of natural justice.

Accordingly, we instruct the General Secretary to provide all appropriate support in the particular case
referred to, and to write immediately to London Underground Ltd demanding:

RMT To Ballot “Boris Bikes” Operational Staff For Action Over Olympics Reward And Working Conditions

"Despite an increasing workload this summer as we head towards the Olympics the staff running the London cycle hire scheme are facing a bullying management who are imposing outrageous changes to conditions" - Bob Crow

TRANSPORT UNION RMT confirmed today that it is to ballot staff running the London “Boris Bike’s” for both strike action and action short of a strike over a range of grievances:

  1. Imposition of changes to working hours and shift patterns which have been unanimously rejected by our members.
  2. No offer of any financial reward for working during the Olympics, despite the big increased in workload and the Games’ organisers’ promotion of cycling during the event.
  3. The unfair and draconian attendance policy.

RMT To Pursue Joint Union Approach On LU Rainbow Attendance policy

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd.

We instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report on the progress of this issue at LU Company Council, and to pursue the other unions for a response to our request for a joint approach.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

RMT Concerned By LU's Planned Social Media Policy

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, that London Underground has written to RMT notifying us of its new guidelines for social media use. Once again, LUL has failed to consult us over a policy which significantly affects our members, and only asks for our "questions" after the document is published, not our input whilst it is being drafted.

Nowhere Over The Rainbow

RMT is fighting against London underground's 'rainbow' procedure for sickness.

It seems an odd choice of name. Rainbows are caused when the sun shines through the rain. If you have a few rainy days, there may well be no sunshine from the bosses at LU - just the sack.

There are many scenarios where you could fall foul of the new procedure and potentially lose your job.

Here are a few:

  • You had a few odd days off sick and then needed to care for a sick family member.

London Underground 'Rainbow' Attendance Policy

We note the report from our representative on file, outlining how London Underground is implementing its Rainbow Attendance policy, the unfairness and detriment this is causing to our members, and advice to representatives. We endorse this report, and instruct the General Secretary to send it by post to all London Underground representatives.

All responses are to be placed on file, and further reports, correspondence and legal opinions are to be placed in front of us.

RMT Guidance On LUL Drugs & Alcohol Policy

Following abuses by management of the drug and alcohol procedure, your RMT reps on the Trains Funcional Council have produced the attached guidance document for your attention.


Following recent abuses of the D & A procedure on the Piccadilly Line were drivers
have been routinely tested following a SPAD and in one instance where a driver was
tested for taking a train out of service, agreement has been reached at the Trains
Functional Council on February 10 th 2012. The Trains Functional Council agreed that

RMT to Challenge Unfair Sick Pay Policy

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that Sodexo stopped the occupational sick pay of our representative Petrit Mihaj, claiming that a clause in the contract of employment allows the company to withhold sick pay if an employee is under notice of or part of the disciplinary process.

We believe that this clause is deeply unfair, as it causes a detriment to an employee without him or her being found to have done anything wrong, or even to have been charged with doing anything wrong.