Attendance and discipline

Management's discipline and attendance policies - and the way they use them to mistreat staff

Branch News From Stratford 1


With 44 years service and only 13 working days until his retirement, Steve Hover, a respected and well-liked Loughton driver, was summoned to attend a Local Disciplinary Interview (LDI) for infringing LUL’s punitive sickness policy, and given a vindictive 23-week warning.

RMT to Prepare Possible Legal Challenge to LU 'Rainbow' Attendance Policy

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the legal advice received on this matter.

While we are disappointed that our advisers believe that there is no legal avenue to compel London Underground to allow trade union representatives to accompany members at Rainbow Attendance Review meetings, we welcome the advice that it may be possible to pursue legal claims arising from London Underground Ltd’s apparent unilateral change to its attendance policy.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to:

London Underground Local Disciplinary Interviews (LDIs)

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and welcome the confirmation from London Underground management that Local Disciplinary Interviews (LDIs) should not be conducted by the same manager who conducted the fact-finding.

We instruct the General Secretary to advise all our London Underground representatives of this, and to request that any attempts by management to breach this are reported to us.

Northfields Fleet Staff to Vote on Industrial Action in Support of Workmate

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the resolution from our LU Fleet branch and share the branch’s concerns about the unjust way in which our member is being treated. We further note the branch’s view that members have no trust in the disciplinary procedure being applied fairly, and wish to take industrial action to ensure justice for their workmate.

RMT Demands Reinstatement of James Masango

General Grades Committee decision:

We note that the Employment Tribunal found on 17 August that London Underground dismissed Victoria line driver James Masango unfairly, that London Underground unreasonably required him to drive a train when he was not fit to do so, and that James made no contribution to his dismissal. This is a shocking case, in which LU management’s determination to force its employees to work whether or not they are fit to do so has resulted not only in an unfair dismissal but in putting the travelling public in danger.

Disciplinary Issue Resolved at Northumberland Park Depot

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow to RMT Fleet members at Northumberland Park depot:

Dear Colleagues,

I write to advise you that the ballot for industrial action has now been suspended as an agreement has now been reached on this matter. As you will recall three of your colleagues were being disciplined following allegations that they breached LUL (TFL) Internet and Email policy back in 2008 and faced serious sanctions. Your Union argued that as TFL were not the employer at the time and due to the timescale involved it was unreasonable to go down this route.

Northumberland Park IT Disciplinary Dispute Reaches 'Satisfactory' Conclusion: Industrial Action Ballot Cancelled

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the report from our Regional Organiser. We note that the outcome of the disciplinary process was that our members were issued with 52-week warnings to run from the date of the alleged offence, and that as this was in 2008, the warnings have now expired.

RMT Opposes London Underground 'Rainbow' Process

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the report from our Regional Organiser. It is clear that London Underground Ltd is using the ‘rainbow’ attendance procedure to crank up its persecution of our members who are unfortunate enough to be unable to attend work through sickness, injury or other adverse circumstances. The company is using arbitrary targets and spurious ‘patterns’ to summon members to meetings, at which it denies them representation, and from which it issues ‘outcome’ letters which threaten disciplinary action.