Attendance and discipline

Management's discipline and attendance policies - and the way they use them to mistreat staff

Resolution: London Underground "Rainbow" Attendance Process

This resolution submitted by Neasden branch was carried unanimously by the March metting of the Regional Council:

That this LRTC notes with concern LU’s demand that some staff must meet a 96% attendance level.

This 96% attendance level has been explained as a part of a ‘Rainbow’ process and has been used against RMT members to threaten further action up to and including medical termination.

Resolution: London Underground Attendance Policy

This resolution, submitted by Morden & Oval branch and amended by Finsbury Park branch, was passed unanimously by October's Regional Council meeting.

This Regional Council notes that management are pressurising members to sign agreements regarding their attendance performance. This has led to our members who have failed to meet this attendance target level being dismissed.

The Regional Council reaffirms its opposition to management's attendance policy.

RMT Circular: Kevin Mortell


Dear Colleague

I regret to advise you that the ballot to reinstate Brother Mortell must be rerun due to an administrative error With the Anti Trade Union laws being so incredibly restrictive we cannot risk the company challenging the previous ballot and declaring any industrial action called from it illegal. Therefore the safest course of action is to re run the ballot and I offer my sincere apologies to for this error.

Your Right to be Accopmanied to Disciplinary and Grievance Hearings

Section 10.1(a) of the Employment Relations Act 1999 states:

Right to be accompanied

(1) This section applies where a worker—

(a) is required or invited by his employer to attend a disciplinary or grievance hearing, and

(b) reasonably requests to be accompanied at the hearing.

(2) Where this section applies the employer must permit the worker to be accompanied at the hearing by a single companion who—

(a) is chosen by the worker and is within subsection (3),

Neasden Flyer - February 2010


Theres no love in the air in February!

Please Find Attached the February Edition of 'The Neasden Flyer'
Inside this issue
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH - Train Operator IAN MASON sacked!
Valuing Time? More like Sacking Time! - Company Plan Two
Off the record! off your rocker! - Take a RMT Rep to every meeting with management

WHOSE STETHOSCOPE ARE YOU UNDER? LUL managers become doctors!

No reader of Monthly News will be surprised to hear that since our strike in June 2009, there have been at least five more wrong-side door openings (WSDOs) with management trying to hush them up and rightly not referring any of the staff involved to disciplinary action. Management know that these incidents have only happened because of their failure to provide the safety device used on all other stock on all other lines - Correct Side Door Enabler (CSDE). No one has been sent to a disciplinary hearing, that is, except the person most unlikely to have been sent to one.


It sometimes seems as though staff and management are subject to entirely different company disciplinary procedures. Why? Consider what would happen if you were accused of kicking another member of staff or of racially abusing someone in full view of a customer. Yes, you guessed it; you would be stood down pending investigation. But not if you are a manager, apparently! An Arnos Grove DMT was recently alleged to have assaulted one of our driver members by kicking him, but incredibly remains at work.

Reasons To Be Striking. Part 2

The stitch-up that led to the unfair dismissal of Fitz Chambers is as clear as day. Let’s look at the facts of the case:

A new Train Operations manager arrives at the Elephant from the District Line with a clear agenda to get the District’s unpopular and discredited “fixed links” system up and running on the Bakerloo.

Your RMT branch resolves to fight this attack on the successful and long running syndicates and this blatant attempt to undermine workers’ control in the depots.

Massive Yes Vote to defend Fitz and Joel!

RMT train driver members on the Bakerloo Line have returned a massive yes vote in the fight to defend 2 of our colleagues who were recently summarily dismissed. In a 50% turnout Elephant & Castle members voted a massive 10-1 in favour of strike action to defend Bro. Chambers and Queens Park returned a handsome 4-1 majority in defence of Bro. Miah. All Bakerloo drivers are urged to support the fight to reinstate both. There is a meeting on Thursday 14th January at 16:00 hours in the Clachan: nearest tube Oxford Cicus, to discuss what action we take next.