London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT Demands Answers As Tube Signal Failure Leaves Late Passengers Stranded

LONDON UNDERGROUND’S biggest union has demanded an explanation from Tube bosses after a signal failure at Farringdon last night left passengers stranded without advice or help to finish their journeys.

RMT has learned that passengers on Metropolitan and Circle and Hammersmith and City trains spent up to 45 minutes between Kings Cross and Farringdon stations, missing last onward connections with other lines, and were given no help to finish their journeys.

Finsbury Park Branch Monthly News, January 2010

Click on the attachment to read/download the latest Monthly News.

In this edition:

1. Pay deal: the wages of disunity;

2. Green Park members plan fightback for Mercy Odisi;

3. Lies, damn lies and the missing CCTV - how LUL continues to victimise our Branch Chair, Glenroy Watson; 4. Miscarriages of Justice - members of Birmingham 6, Guildford 4 and Maguire 7 address branch, telling their story and talking about their work today for the Miscarriages of Justice Organisation (MOJO).

LU (Metronet) Signals Staff Vote By Over 90% For Action Over Imposition Of Rosters, Breaches Of Agreement And Outsourcing

TUBE UNION RMT announced today that London Underground (Metronet) members covered by the Signals Framework Agreement have voted by a massive majority of over 90% for strike action and action short of a strike in a dispute over the imposition of new rosters, breaches of agreements and the handing over of work to external contractors.

Ballot Of LU (Metronet) Signals Staff For Action Over Imposition Of Rosters, Breaches Of Agreement And Outsourcing

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that it is balloting all London Underground (Metronet) members covered by the Signals Framework Agreement for strike action and action short of a strike in a dispute over the imposition of new rosters, breaches of agreements and the handing over of work to external contractors.

The ballot for action, which closes on 19th January, will involve 750 staff on the former Metronet sections of the tube network – all lines except for the Piccadilly, Northern and Jubilee.

Neasden Flyer - January 2010


Happy New Year!! 2010 will show the fight still goes on....

Please Find Attached the January Edition of 'The Neasden Flyer'
Inside this issue
Solidarity for Sacked Supervisor - Willesden Greens Strike
Scrooge vs Oliver
Proud to be Neasden Branch - Your Branch Badge is here!
Are your details up to date??

Miscarriages of Justice Organisation (MOJO) speaker to attend Finsbury Park branch on January 14th

Finsbury Park branch will be inviting speakers from a range of progressive organisations and campaigns to speak to members every month forthwith as part of an effort to educate and inform members about wider political issues. The first speaker will be Paddy Hill from the Miscarriages of Justice Organisation who spent 16 years behind bars for a crime which the police and government knew he had no part in. Paddy will be speaking at the Twelve Pins public house at 6pm after the regular branch meeting.