London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

London Underground's guidance on attendance during adverse weather conditions

This is London Underground's guidance on attendance during adverse weather conditions, issued on 17 December 2009. It is posted here for your information, not because RMT agrees with it!


Guidance for attendance for all staff in London Underground following adverse weather conditions.

• Employees are required to make every effort to get to their place of work and must use (and be encouraged to use) every reasonable means to achieve this objective. It is their responsibility to get to work.

Death Knell for PPP?

headlinesI've written the following article for 'Solidarity' newspaper ...

A decision by the PPP Arbiter in December may prove to be a fatal punch to private infrastructure company Tube Lines and the whole ‘Public-Private Partnership’ set-up on London Underground.

The New Labour government imposed the PPP at the very end of 2002, despite widespread opposition. PPP organised the Underground’s infrastructure into three groups of lines, and transferred them to private consortia known as Infracos, two to now-defunct Metronet, one – the Jubilee, Northern and Piccadilly lines – to Tube Lines.

Understanding the PPP Arbiter's Draft Directions

On 17 December, the PPP Arbiter published an important document, which may turn out to be a staging post in the collapse of Tube Lines and – following 2007’s similar collapse of Metronet – of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) itself.

It also contains information about issues of great concern to London Underground and TubeLines staff - including problems with the Jubilee line upgrade, pensions, the London Living Wage, cuts in stations refurbishments, "machine-room-less escalators", and engineering staff working across all lines.

As it is a very long and technical document, I have attempted to summarise and explain it here.

LUL Pay & Conditions 2009 - Deal Accepted

(Updated with Ballot Results)

RMT General Grades Committee have decided to accept the LUL pay offer.

General Secretary, Bob Crow says "After giving careful consideration to the situation, the General Grades Committee has decided to accept the most recent offer in respect of the 2009 and 2010 pay increases and the associated improvements to conditions of service. This was a 1.5% increase from 1 April 2009 for one year and RPI + 0.5% or 0.5% whichever is the greater for year two."

Strike Action Confirmed at EDF Energy Powerlink and LUL Willesden Green Group Station Staff

EDF RMT members are incensed with a pay offer of around only 1% with productivity. Since the announcement of an overwhelming ballot result in favour of action no improved offer has been forthcoming.

Meanwhile, RMT members on the Willesden Green Group have returned a magnificent vote in favour of industrial action in support of the reinstatement of their colleague, Colleen Johnston.

Meeting for all London Underground staff: Be Part of RMT's Fight for Secure Jobs and Decent Pay!

Venue: Indian YMCA, Fitzroy Square, nearest station: Warren Street - map here.

  • hear the industrial action ballot result
  • plan for effective action
  • hear details of London Underground’s assault on jobs
  • ask questions
  • join the discussion

Show your support for RMT’s fight for jobs, pay and justice!

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download a notice advertising this meeting. Please distribute this widely at work.

LUL Circular: Strike Actions Over EDF Pay Dispute and C Johnston Dismissal - Ballots for Dismissals of F Chambers, J Miah and M Odisi

circular logo

In this Circular:

  1. Rates Of Pay and Conditions Of Service - EDF Energy Powerlink
  2. Disciplinary - Colleen Johnston, Station Supervisor, Willesden Green Group, LUL
  3. Dismissal From Service Of Fitz Chambers and Joel Miah - Train Operators, Bakerloo Line, LUL
  4. Dismissal Of Mercy Odisi, Green Park Group, LUL

PPP Meltdown On The Underground As Tube Lines Contract Descends Into Chaos

photo by Paul Mattsson

TUBE UNION RMT today called for PPP contractor Tube Lines to be stripped of their contract with immediate effect and without compensation, and their work brought back under direct public control, as it emerged that their operations on the Piccadilly, Northern and Jubilee Lines have collapsed into chaos and recrimination.

RMT have no doubt that the poisoned relationship between TfL and Tube Lines has now broken down irretrievably with a sequence of events in the run up to Thursdays decision by the arbiter on the value of the next phase of their contract fuelling the case for the company to be dumped.