London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

MSS Shoppers - An open letter from Stratford no 1 Branch

This is an open letter from Stratford No 1 branch to Steve Hedley (RMT Regional Organiser) and all members regarding 'Mystery Shopping Surveys' and management's treatment of staff.

Dear Steve Hedley,

At our last branch meeting, several stations reps and activists raised the issue of increasing management pressure on members.

RMT Successfully Defends Jobs on LUL

From Steve Hedley, Regional Organiser ...

In response to management's internal circular claiming that the RMT have settled our dispute [which is attached] let me just clarify the position.

1. No RMT members will be made compulsorily redundant as part of the LUL organisational change process. There may well be members of other unions made redundant.

RMT Sets The Pace - Letter Morning Star 20th Aug. 2009

It was great to see the Morning Star headline Stunning victory for Tube workers (August 19), but, as your editorial made clear, this victory only concerns the workforce covered by the RMT who were willing to fight for their terms and conditions.

Other trade unions who have sat back are now left out of this agreement.

The same scenario is taking place in the TfL side of the dispute, but unfortunately also concerns the members of the RMT in this area.

Is the Dispute resolved? LUL thinks so, RMT members dont know?!

RMT's London Transport Region Membership were surprised and confused as to what is actually going on with regards to the LUL Dispute.

One moment our membership are getting circulars from Bob Crow regarding a 'Major win over 1000 redundancies' completly forgetting about our TfL Members

Next we get a Circular from Gerry Duffy, informing us, that our dispute is resolved! which i very much doubt it is, but i would be nice once in a while to hear it from our leadership RATHER than the bosses.

RMT chalks up major victory over Tube job security

TUBE UNION RMT today welcomed a major breakthrough in an on-going dispute with London Underground which will see the company sticking to agreed policies on redundancies, protecting the futures of a thousand staff who had been identified as being at risk.

The dispute, which was at the heart of the 48 hour tube strike earlier this year, has led to long hours of direct negotiation both face to face and through ACAS.

Bob Crow RMT general secretary said today:

Guidance in the event of Industrial Action

Please note that this document is London Underground's policy not RMT's! We publish it here for information, not because we endorse it!

A key part of this document is in Section 2: 2. Staff Who Take Industrial Action Shifts lost through official industrial action will NOT count under the Attendance at Work procedure. Staff covered by the industrial action who do not attend for work and who are not sick or on leave should be recorded on SAP, as appropriate, under the code for Industrial Action Official.

Regional Organiser's report: Jobs / Pay / Justice dispute

I am writing regarding the latest position in negotiations with LUL and TfL over pay, the 'jobs for life' deal and bullying of our members.

Talks at ACAS have broken down because management have refused to discuss pay and bullying. The 'jobs for life' deal has been discussed but despite this deal being signed off by Gordon Brown and guaranteed by John Prescott management are refusing point blank to abide by it.

We have had another Goebbels-like piece of propaganda in senior management's 'Heads Up' communiqué stating that there are now only 70 jobs at risk and there were over 250 vacancies. If this were true then management could easily guarantee everyone at least one alternative job: why then are they not prepared to do this?

A Manager Should Not Deal With a Grievance against Him/Herself

London Underground seems to think that it is OK for a manager to deal with staff grievances against him/herself! Not only is this self-evidently unfair, it also breaches ACAS rules. If your manager tries this, please use the following quotes to insist that the grievance is dealt with by a different manager.

The ACAS guide to discipline and grievances at work (which you can download in full here), states on page 44 that:

Swine Flu - London Underground's Guidance

Below is the company's (not the union's!) guidance on swine flu. Comments welcome!

Please find below our current response and actions you should take for staff that report sick with swine flu or flu like symptoms. This advice supersedes all previous advice with immediate effect. Please cascade this as necessary.

Employees that can prove that they had actual swine flu, and proof will be either a GP certificate or evidence of having been prescribed Tamiflu must be recorded as sick explanation accepted. This is strictly for those with proof. The SAP code for this is 160.