Anti-fascism / anti-racism

Opposing the British National Party (BNP), English Defence League (EDL) and other fascist and/or racist groups

RMT London Transport Region Statement on Muswell Hill Islamic Center Fire

Today’s attack on the Islamic centre in Muswell Hill was a barbaric act calculated to whip up division in the community. The London Transport Region of the RMT wholeheartedly condemns the attack on the centre and offers its full solidarity and support to the community which it serves. We call upon the trade union movement in London to lead a campaign of support and solidarity with the local Muslim community.

RMT Black And Ethnic Minority Members Newsletter October 2012

Check out the latest Black & Ethnic Minority members' newsletter. It has the dates for our next set of meetings, plus details of how RMT members can get nominated for our National Committee.

The Advisory Committee meets three times a year and its role is to advise the Council of Executives on issues relating to black and ethnic minority members.Items are submitted to the Advisory Committee by Branches and Regional Councils.The three-year term of office for members of the National Black and Ethnic Minority Members’ Advisory Committee finishes at the end of this year.

Nominations from Branches are currently being sought for delegates to serve on this Advisory Committee from January 2013 until December 2015. Please inform your Branch Secretary if you want to be nominated.

RMT Black And Ethnic Minority Group Create Marcus Garvey Commemorative Brochure

100 years ago, renowned activist, leader & teacher Marcus Garvey, visited the UK for the first of many visits.

To commemorate the remarkable occasion and in time to participate with October's 'Black History month' celebrations, RMT BEM have helped commission a brochure, detailing the background and achievements of this legendary character's life.

RMT Concerned Over London Underground's Apparent Assistance To English Defense League Demonstrators Travel

We note the resolution from our London Transport Regional Council and share its opposition to the English Defence League (EDL) and its concern over London Underground’s apparent assistance to EDL demonstrators.

We refer this matter to our Political, Transport Policy and Liberation Sub-committee for examination and report.

RMT Vows To Oppose EDL March Through Walthamstow And Builds On Anti-Racism Campaigning

A letter from London Transport Regional Council's Secretary John Reid, to all members

The racist EDL is threatening to march through the streets of Walthamstow on Saturday the 27th October. They were stopped in September and we vow to stop them again in October and whenever they rear their ugly heads.

The EDL claims to be non-racist and non-fascist, yet their numbers are made up of many of the same people who have previously been in the ranks of fascist and racist organisations.

RMT Activists Block English Defense League Demonstration

RMT activists took part in a rally to block the fascist far-right English Defence League from demonstrating in Walthamstow. Hundreds of anti-fascists, trade unionists, faith and community organisations also took part in the event in east London.

Members of the RMT - amongst them several LGBT activists carried the unions LGBT banner.

RMTv: John Carlos - Resistance: The Best Olympic Spirit

The iconic image of John Carlos & gold medallist Tommie Smith making their protest against racism, poverty & injustice from the podium at the 1968 Mexico Olympics remains as powerful today as it ever was. On 21 May 2012, John Carlos addressed a meeting organised by RMT and spoke about what motivated him then & how things are today.

Monday 21st of May: Resistance - The Best Olympic Spirit

Seize The Time

The event "Resistance - The Best Olympic Spirit", organised by the RMT, will be held at Friends House on Monday 21st May at 6pm.

Tickets are available for free from Unite Against Facism.

View the flyer here or download below.

Speakers include John Carlos, Doreen Lawrence and Janet Alder.

There will be several unforgettable speakers at the meeting:

7pm: John Carlos, Doreen Lawrence and Janet Alder

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Rmt Backs Public Meeting With Olympic Legend And Equal Rights Activist John Carlos From The 1968 Games

RMT ACTIVISTS from London Underground are proud to have initiated a public meeting “Resistance – the Best Olympic Spirit” with one of the two athletes who featured in arguably the most iconic image from the modern history of the games, John Carlos who raised a gloved fist along with his comrade Tommie Smith on the podium in Mexico in 1968.

RMT ACTIVISTS from London Underground are proud to have initiated a public meeting “Resistance – the Best Olympic Spirit” with one of the two athletes who featured in arguably the most iconic image from the modern history of the games, John Carlos who raised a gloved fist along with his comrade Tommie Smith on the podium in Mexico in 1968.