Defend Harrow Central Mosque against Racist Protest
The organisers write ...
Opposing the British National Party (BNP), English Defence League (EDL) and other fascist and/or racist groups
The organisers write ...
This resolution, submitted by Neasden and seconded by TfL no.1, was carried unanimously by the September meeting of the Regional Council.
More information here.
Coaches will take protesters from London to Codnor, Derbyshire. RMT's London Transport Regional Council will fund members to travel to the protest on coaches organised by other bodies eg. Trades Councils.
Barnet TUC has booked a 33 seat coach, which is scheduled to pick up in Finchley Central then Edgware, before travelling to Codnor to reach there at 11am. They expect to leave Codnor at about 4pm.
This conference takes place in Manchester.
This resolution, submitted by LU Engineering branch, was passed unanimously by the July meeting of the Regional Council.
This Region region totally condemns the activities of the racists and facists that call themselves the BNP.
To this end this region will: * join the protest in Codnor Derbyshire, against the Red, White and Blue Fascist "festival" organised by the BNP in Derbyshire on Saturday 15th August. * It will also produce badges for its Region's members "LT Region aginst Racism" (The LU Engineering Branch agrees to donate £500 to the cost) *
Your help can stop the BNPs national billboard campaign.
Clear Channel – an outdoor advertising agency – have sold the BNP adverts on billboards across the country – they’re financially profiting from the BNP’s vicious campaign.
We are asking all our supporters to send a message to Clear Channel – demanding that they take down the BNP’s racist propaganda.
After you send your letter we will keep you up to date with details about this and other campaigns.
Thirty years ago, during the run up to the election in which Thatcher triumphed, the fascist National Front arranged a public meeting in the centre of Southall - an open racist provocation to the overwhelmingly asian local community. On the day of this meeting there was a mass shut down of shops, factories and businesses and peaceful occupation of our own streets by the local community. Protests to the Council that they should deny the NF use of our town hall were ignored and so the community blockaded its own streets.
From 'Hope Not Hate' ...
The BNP are preparing a high profile billboard campaign claiming that Jesus Christ would support their policies of racism and hate were He on earth today.
Statements like these - designed to cause offence and whip up interfaith tension - show the reality behind the BNP's politics of fear. They are exploiting words of peace, love and justice as camouflage for their bigotry. Help us unite 10000 people against them in the next 24 hours!