RMT win: no more 'double' meal breaks on trains

Spare Turns Meal Break Victory for RMT

The dispute on the Central line is paying dividends for drivers across the combine. Following a massive Yes vote for strike action the RMT has been in talks about a number of issues, one of which is the unsafe and unfair practice of forcing spare drivers to have 2 meal breaks. This would usually involve taking a break as soon as a driver signs on followed by 5.15 of work and then
another break followed by more work.

Night Tube station staff - meet your reps

The RMT invites Night Tube station workers to meet your reps at 2130 on the 23rd of August in the training room at Kings Cross St Pancreas station.

Have a look at the attached flyer for all the details.

RMT is demanding better pay and conditions for all London Underground workers. Come and discuss how this affects you, the latest developments in talks, and what action we can take to press our case.

Two branches pass motion on anti-union laws

A motion regarding Anti-union laws has passed unanimously at Finsbury Park and East Ham branches and will be submitted to the regional council.

The motion states:

This union notes:

1. RMT's longstanding demand for the repeal of all anti-trade union laws

2. that this was reaffirmed at this year's AGM, along with support for the Free Our Unions campaign

Change of venue for Neasden Branch meeting in August

Please note, that due to refurbishment, The Torch will not be available for the Neasden Branch meeting in August. An alternative venue has been sourced by the Branch Secretary. It will be held at The Cock Tavern in King’s Cross (see attached flyer for full details). Apolgies for any inconvenience.