New jobs, pensions and agreements ballot for Tube members

A ballot paper is posted into a red post box

26th March 2024

Dear RMT Member,


All London Underground members are commended for maintaining a strong and positive mandate for industrial action throughout this long-running dispute. The anti-trade union laws mean each ballot mandate only lasts for 6 months so another ballot is now due to keep our action live. Your ballot paper will be posted on Thursday 28th March so please look out for it arriving in the post next week. The ballot closes on Thursday 25th April.

RMT budget response - invest in public services

6 March 2024

Responding to Chancellor Jeremy Hunt's budget statement, RMT general secretary Mick Lynch said:

"This is a budget of tax cuts and gimmicks designed to thinly disguise a Tory government only interested in propping up the super rich.

"The only way you get real growth that benefits working people is by investment in publicly owned public services, transport infrastructure and a general wage rise to increase spending power in the economy.

CTS pay update

strike flag


In line with Union policy, a claim was submitted for a substantial increase in rates of pay and improvements to conditions of service. Following talks, the Company tabled a full and final offer of 4%, backdated to 1st April 2023 for protected members on the Cubic contract covering LUL and Serco Cycle Hire (TfL).

Fleet staffing levels concern

1st of March


Further to my previous Circular (IR/374, 22nd December 2023), the Union has raised the issue of Fleet Staffing Levels with LUL and data suggests that only 80% of positions in Fleet Depots are currently filled.

This practice of not filling vacancies is putting enormous strain on Fleet Grades members to cover the workload and keep the train fleets moving. Also the restrictions on transfers is having a significant detrimental effect by creating unnecessarily long waiting lists.

Bakerloo News March 2024

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for workers on the Bakerloo Line, produces by RMT activists.

In this edition:

  • RMT wins improved pay deal: now let’s fight for 2024-5!
  • Solidarity on International Women’s Day 2024
  • Resist attacks on Fleet jobs
  • And much more

Please download the attached newsletter to read all about it. You can also print it out and share it in your Bakerloo Line workplace.

Support subcontracted track maintenance workers on the Tube

Dear colleagues,

REMINDER: Add your name to the petition in support sub-contracted track maintenance workers on the Tube:

Thanks to everyone who has already added their name to this important petition. Time is short in this campaign. London Underground is re-tendering the contracts for track maintenance on the Tube now and new contracts are due to be awarded in March this year.

Final, final pay rise agreed following RMT industrial determination

Tube union, RMT secured a pay rise on LU following threats of mass strike action.

Representing around 10,000 members on the network, the lowest paid will see their wages rise by between 8-10%.

Other workers will see a 5% rise with consolidated payments of £1000.

Those members on less than £40,000 will get an additional consolidated payment.

RMT also secured progress towards enhanced travel facilities on national rail services.