Every Job Matters - Defending London Underground Jobs


Invitation to Central Line East branch AGM

Whatever your grade or work location, there is a very good reason for you to come to your RMT branch's AGM next Thursday (11 December, 17:00-19:15, ex Services club, Harvey Road, Leytonstone)

  • London Underground has announced its schedule for ticket office closures, and the majority of the first tranche of closures are on the Central Line (details here)

Latest from Fit for the Future Consultation

I am aware that many questions are being thrown up as LU proceeds to implement Fit for the Future without our agreement.

Ticket Offcie Closures
LU says that it has made its mind up to close every ticket ofcie regardless of all the points raised by RMT.
A list of dates for the closure of every ticket ofice (ex-Silverklink dates TBC but LU is confident they will be shut by the end of 2015) has now been put on the LU Fit for the future site and can be downloaded below.
We will continue to campaign against the closures and will work with the public to stop the company's plans.

Local BNS/Roster Consultation Starts - Preferencing and 30 Min Talks

Local BNS/Roster Consultation starts at Rickmansworth.

The first group to begin the local BNS/Roster consultation is my own, Rickmansworth.
At the initial meeting LU confirmed that they agree with our reading of the BNS methodology, which means that if a CSS/CSM on a lone worked station is utilised in the ticket hall for 3 mins in any 15 min period then there should be a second member of staff in the ticket hall at that time.

RMT Congratulates Members On EJM Dispute Resolve

Further to my previous Circular No. IR/247/14, 22nd September 2014, a mass meeting of Reps took place on Thursday 2nd October to discuss the progress made during recent negotiations including commitments that displaced staff will not have to travel more than 30 minutes to a new location; any member deployed to a grade with a lower rate of pay will have their salary guaranteed; no member will have to reapply for their current job – all staff will be given all relevant coaching/training to settle into their new role.

Significant Progress Leads To Strike Being Called Off

‘That we note the update report from the Lead Officer which outlines progress that has been made at ACAS since our last decision to call strike action which are as follows:

  • LU has abandoned their position that consultation has been completed. They now accept further consultation will take place on Fit for the Future, Stations.
  • LU has accepted that the number of post reductions will be further reduced from the planned 897.
  • The crucial principle of Salary and location guarantee has been extended to all staff who have medical restrictions.