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I am aware that many questions are being thrown up as LU proceeds to implement Fit for the Future without our agreement.
Ticket Offcie Closures
LU says that it has made its mind up to close every ticket ofcie regardless of all the points raised by RMT.
A list of dates for the closure of every ticket ofice (ex-Silverklink dates TBC but LU is confident they will be shut by the end of 2015) has now been put on the LU Fit for the future site and can be downloaded below.
We will continue to campaign against the closures and will work with the public to stop the company's plans.
Interestingly, Uxbridge ticket ofice is scheduled to close right in the middle of the general election camaign. I wonder if Boris will be pleased with that!
Any local plans to remove ticket ofices from station staff use must be scruitinissed at L1/Tier 1. If any surveys etc are taking place on your group you should demand an immediate ad-hoc meeting (this is separate to the local BNS/roster consultation). You should challenge any plans that will leave our members unable to work effectively because of a lack of suitable accomodation.
LU is to issue a preference form to all staff.
A full guide will be available on the next edition of SFC news, which will be posted here ASAP.
We have not agreed this form or the referencing model.
Members are very unlikely to get a move to the particular area they preference and could therefore be moved anywhere within 30 mins of the preferenced area.
Therefore, for the vast majority of members it will be best to preference remaining on your current area.So long as you do not preference a move of over 30 mins you will be protected by the rule that says you will remain within 30mins of your current home location.
As with all of Fit for the Future, the plans LU has drawn up are all about flexibility for the company and NOT helping our members to avoid displacement.
Medical restrictions
Members need to know that should they have any condition that will prevent them from working full duties in their new grade (CSS/CSM) they should inform LUOH before te date of tansfer. It is a good idea to do this before the mapping takes plave as this may avoid the need for members to seek a review of their location.
It is not necessary to fill in the intrusive LUOH form that some groups have distributed. This form asks for a full medical histoy and does not need to be completed. LUOH can be inomed by partly completing the form or via the GSM.
CSS1 Camaign
LU has advertised for SAMFs and SCRAs to apply for a ring-fenced promotion oportunity to take up positions as CSS1s.
The company has done this as they expect many SSMFs to remain in outer London 'covering down' in CSS2 roles. This could create a shotage of CSS1s. Any SAMF or SCRA who takes up a CSS1 position will get a pay rise to the current SSMF rate. We have not been given any details of how sucessful candidtes will be selected.
This promotion campaign should not affect any current SSMF/SS3, all of whom are to be mapped automatically into the CSS1 grade irresective of where they end up woking.
I will expand on all of this ASAP. I am a bit behind at the moment as I had to attend te CSM workshop.
Feel free to call me on 07739 869867
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