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Friday, 5th of December '14
Invitation to Central Line East branch AGM
Whatever your grade or work location, there is a very good reason for you to come to your RMT branch's AGM next Thursday (11 December, 17:00-19:15, ex Services club, Harvey Road, Leytonstone)
- London Underground has announced its schedule for ticket office closures, and the majority of the first tranche of closures are on the Central Line (details here)
- LUL management have upheld the appalling sacking of Bank group CSA Vicky Hayward. There is now only one, final appeal stage left, and the branch meeting will discuss a proposal to take industrial action to demand Vicky's reinstatement. More information here.
- LUL's unnecessarily increased service on Boxing Day means the company is trying to force drivers to work when we would rather be with our families.
- Interserve continues to allow managers to bully cleaners, and to use agency workers on worse conditions rather than directly employ staff. RMT has begun an organising drive and is preparing an industrial action ballot.
- Waterloo and City line service control members have voted for strike action to demand that their pay rate is increased to reflect the complexity and workload of the job. The union has been in talks with LUL at ACAS.
Come to the meeting to hear updates on all these issues, and to have your say on how we should pursue them.
The meeting will also confirm who our reps and branch officers will be for the coming year, and decide on our plans for the year ahead to make the union more effective against the attacks we all face.
And we'll have some seasonal solidarity and festive cheer!
Yours in solidarity
Janine Booth
Branch Secretary
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