Every Job Matters - Defending London Underground Jobs


in The News: RMT Calls Tube Strike

The RMT have announced a 48 hour tube strike next week in the fight over job cuts and ticket office closures. The latest action has been widely reported in the press as RMT members prepare for action to defend jobs and a decent tube service:


Londoners are set for further Tube chaos next week with London Underground workers due to go on strike for 48 hours over staff cuts and ticket office closures.

Tube Workers Strike Over Job Cuts

TUBE UNION RMT today confirmed 48 hours of strike action on London Underground later this month in the continuing fight against the Mayor’s onslaught on jobs, working conditions, safety and the threat to services including the wholesale closure of ticket offices.

The vast majority of RMT tube members have been instructed not to book on for any shifts between 2100 hrs on 14th October through to 2059 hrs on the 16th October. Fleet members have been instructed not to book on for any shifts between 1829 hrs on the 14th October through to 1828 hrs on the 16th October.





  • RMT tube members have been instructed not to book on for any shifts between 2100 hrs on 14th October through to 2059 hrs on the 16th October.
  • Fleet members have been instructed not to book on for any shifts between 1829 hrs on the 14th October through to 1828 hrs on the 16th October.
  • Ongoing overtime ban for stations grades

"The latest phase of action in RMT's Every Job Matters campaign follows a mass meeting of reps to report back from talks with London Underground.

RMT reps meet to discuss further action Thursday October 2 Conway Hall Red Lion Sq 1000

To all RMT London Underground Industrial and H&S Representatives

Fit for the future – Every Job Matters

Please be advised that a mass meeting of RMT representatives has will take place as follows:

10.00 hours on Thursday 2nd October 2014
Conway Hall (Main Hall)
25 Red Lion Square

Management have agreed to release of all RMT Reps for this meeting but this will subject to service requirements and cover. This said release should not be unreasonably withheld.

Please arrive in good time for a start at 10 o’clock sharp.

Latest edition of RMT londoncalling - JWP update

Please download, print and distribute around your workplace

hard copies will be available from Unity House on Wednesday Oct.1 and at the reps meeting on Thursday Oct.2

EJM - Talks update

RMT negotiators have had further meetings with LUL over the last week or so.
Whilst it is true LUL have not completely capitulated and agreed to throw the whole of the FFFS proposals in the bin, we have gained significant concessions;




• SS1 to be mapped over to CSM1

• SS2 to be mapped over to CSM2

Trainers - Do Not Sign Away Your Job

Dear Colleague,

COO training reorganisation - no agreement reached with your negotiators - do not sign away your job.

I am writing to you in respect of the fit for future for trainers in LUL, this is a similar exercise by TfL to reduce staffing and save money at the expense of jobs and the service provided to the travelling public.

You may have received a briefing from management as follows:-

“At yesterday’s consultation meeting the following was discussed:

  • An update on recent appointments in the training function was provided.

RMT Station Supervisor Suspended For Doing His Job

Please download, print and distribute the attached pdf around your workplace

London Underground management have stood down a station supervisor for doing his job to the letter and following the over time ban - by not being paid to work through his meal break - as directed by the RMT.

The supervisor who faces this attack was also threatened with a drugs and alcohol test. All he did was to take the necessary step of closing the station he was supervising so that he could take a meal break.

Tube Bosses "Not Conducting Meaningful Negotiations" In EJM Dispute

I write to advise branches that the General Grades Committee has discussed the latest position in relation to our Every Job matters dispute. Our Regional Organiser reports that management are not conducting meaningful negotiations over this plans and are in fact moving to implement them without agreement. We are acting in conjunction with our sister union TSSA and have outlined our demands which are as follows:

  • A clear unconditional commitment that no member of staff will suffer a loss of substantive pay

Members Meeting Called On Tube Cuts Dispute

A mass meeting of all London Underground members has been arranged to discuss the current situation in our campaign against LUL’s plans to cut jobs and close ticket offices. The meeting has been called to gauge the view of members which will be fed back to the union’s executive when it considers our next course of action.

The meeting will take place on Friday 22nd August 2014 at the Indian YMCA near Warren Street Station from 2pm.

Indian YMCA
41 Fitzroy Square

I hope you will be able to attend this important meeting.

London Travel Watch Wants Your View On Tube Cuts Plan

London Travel Watch is surveying passengers about their use of London Underground ticket offices. The survey also asks what passengers think of London underground's bosses proposals; which include cutting nearly a thousand staff and closing all ticket offices.

You can complete the survey here.

For more information about the planned cuts, and the RMT's response have a look here.