Dear Colleague
Ballot papers arrive soon. Vote YES to Keep your Political Fund - so RMT can keep defending your interests.
You will shortly receive your ballot paper to vote to keep the RMT Political Fund.
Please find below a video link message from Mick Lynch, on why it is vital members vote YES so RMT can keep defending your interests at work.
Remember the ballot is not about political affiliation, or whether you personally pay into the Fund.
You are voting on the right for RMT to keep the Political Fund, so your union can carry on campaigning to defend your interests.
For example, RMT's campaigns to defend the jobs, pay, conditions, pensions and safety of all our members have been supported by the Political Fund.
Our lobbying to oppose ticket office closures and cuts to services was supported by the Political Fund.
And RMT campaigns for new employment rights for all RMT members are supported by Political Fund.
If we don't have a Political Fund, we won't be able to run political campaigns on these and other issues that affect all RMT members.
So, make sure you Vote YES - so your union can keep campaigning to defend your interests.
The ballot closes 21st October. If you have not received a ballot paper by 27th September, email
Yours sincerely,
Michael Lynch
General Secretary
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